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CustomCon 28

What is CustomCon, you ask? CustomCon is a special semi-annual presentation of new custom toy creations by customizers around the globe. A decade in the running, it's still going strong. Inspired by the presentations of new product by legitimate manufacturers at Toy Fair and other trade shows, CustomCon is a "fake" convention, whereby customizers present their latest creations and recipes as if unveiling a new line of real toys to retailers. It's always a lot of fun, for both the viewers and the participants.

If this is your first exposure to a CustomCon, click here to see what's been offered over the past 27 CustomCons.

Day One:

The Boys

Preacher Minimates

Thunderbolts: Rise of the Fallen

Marvel Legends Morlock Nation

Green Hornet Through The Ages

Day Two:

DC Uni-Formz Series 2

Reel Heroes by Hasbro, Action through the Ages!

The Inferior Five

Marvel Legends Do the Limbo

SA-43 Hammerhead from "Space: Above & Beyond"

Day Three:

New X-Men

I Hate Those Squaddies

The Doom Patrol

Marvel Legends Unmade X-Men


Resident Evil 5 Minimates


CustomCon 28 will run from April 5 to 7, 2011.


The deadline will be Monday, March 7, 2011. No entries will be accepted after this date.


So how can you participate? Well, the key is to make several custom action figures that would be in the same toy line, and send in photos of them. You could make your own new wave of DC Direct figures (a current series), a new wave of Star Trek figures (a previous series). You can also make a line of Super-Duper Creep Busting figures! (That would be your own unique line.) You could make figures based on characters from Comics, Movies, TV Shows, Books, Sports, Sci-Fi... The sky's the limit!

1. Just make sure each group of figures shares a common theme. You should come up with a name for your line of figures if it's an original line, and give some sort of description of the action figure line.

2. Custom packaging is, of course, an option, but it is certainly not required.

3. If possible, we would ask that you photograph the figures so that it looks like they are on display at a convention. If you have custom packaging, it's best to have pictures both loose and in the packages.

4. There's no limit on how few customs you have to submit for a line. 4 or more would be appreciated, but any number is fine. So, YES if you only have 1 or 2 good figures, send them in!

5. The whole point of CustomCon is to show off your NEW custom creations, so please, no entries of pieces previously seen on websites, forums or in any sort of public gallery.

Ready to Submit your ENTRY?

Send your submissions to [email protected]. Please e-mail the following:

- Your first and last name, or just the nickname you go by online. Your preference.
- Your email address.
- Your custom figure website address, if you have one.
- The name of your figure line.
- Any custom logos you wish to use for your toyline. (OPTIONAL)
- E-mail me pictures of your figures. JPGs are preferred, scaled for screen. (7 inches high at 72 dpi is a good standard, or around 100 kb). Please make sure your images are ATTACHED to the email, NOT embedded. Remember to name your image files appropriately. You may know every X-Man ever created by sight, but we might not.
- A description of what they were made from (your toy recipe). Describe what figures you used to make your custom. Please type, or "copy & paste" this into an e-mail.
- A Description of the action figure line (convention write-up report).
- Write up your own "Press release" or "Toy Show Commentary" to describe your toyline. Please type, or "copy & paste" this into an e-mail.

We appreciate you helping to spread the word about CustomCon. Would you like to link to CustomCon 28 on your web site?

Here is a logo you can use. (For bandwidth reasons, images hosted on our server won't show up on any web site other than RTM. Please "right click" on the image and then choose from the menu to save the image to your hard drive and then upload it to your site's server.)

customcon 28 logo

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