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Raving Toy Maniac's Custom Corner the place to find the answers to whatever burning questions you may have about a variety of customizing challenges, observations, or just plain goofiness.

The Custom Corner is currently undergoing a much-needed revamp. The galleries are temporarily offline, but rest assured they will be back and better than ever!

We'll be bringing more and more features back to the Custom Corner as articles get switched over to the new format.

Custom Corner Sections


Recipes and Articles

Check out this page for the best customizing tips and tricks, plus recipes on how to make some of the most popular characters that have never been made!


WWW Custom Links

See what the other customizers are doing in our comprehensive links to all the custom sites on the web!


The Customizing Figures FAQ

  • Index
  • Thanks and Acknowledgments

  • The Customizing E-mail List

    Would you like to correspond with other customizers? Exchange ideas and tips? Ask questions about sculpting, painting, or photographing figures? We should have the old CUSTOMIZE mailing list back up in the near future.

    Here are some of the group projects done by members of the list:

    Look like fun? Then join the list!!!

    In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

    All images, format, content, and design are copyright © 1994-2013 Raving Toy Maniac. No part of these pages may be reproduced without express written consent of the Raving Toy Maniac. Licensed character names and images are copyright © their respective companies.