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Earlier in the year Chaos! Comics, the publishing house responsible for unleashing characters such as Evil Ernie and Lady Death upon an unsuspecting comics market, announced they were forming their own toy division: Eternal Toys.

There had already been several Chaos! characters turned into action figures by Moore Action Collectibles but when that licensing agreement expired the folks at Chaos! decided to give it a go themselves. Eternal Toys has partnered with Diamond Select to bring their products to market, and summoned the wild talents at Art Asylum to design the new Chaos! action figure line. These new Chaos! figures will be bigger, more dynamic and more articulated than any previous Chaos! action figures.

Art Asylum and Diamond Select have provided Raving Toy Maniac this exclusive behind the scenes look at the creation of the upcoming line, including some commentary from the folks at Eternal Toys and Diamond Select (in italics). These figures are still in the early sculpting stage but we thought our readers would like to see how this exciting new toyline is progressing. The first assortment of Eternal Toys Chaos! Action Figures should be available in comic book stores around May of 2000.

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et_purgatori_cu.jpg - 10872 Bytes Purgatori: Like all of the offspring of the fallen angels, Purgatori became a creature of pure evil and a corruption of true humanity. She thrust her bloodlust on humanity over 3000 years ago in Egypt, but she desired even more power than that of a vampire. After winning entry into Hell, she learned that the blood of a god in turmoil contains immeasurable power when she dared taste the blood of Lucifer.

Because we are already making a 12" figure and statue based on Purgatori's current look we decided to go with an Egyptian design from when she was first "turned to the dark side". When she is finished Purgatori will have at least 7 different points of articulation.

In these shots she is missing her horns and the majority of her hair which, will both be added later.

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Chastity: Chastity was just your everyday American teenage girl living in London back in the mid-1970's when the punk rock scene was the rage. One night in 1977 on her way home from a concert, she fell victim to a local vampire and, as a result, became one herself.

Unlike the other female characters where femininity was the key we chose to make Chastity more athletic like her character in the comics. That's why you will see this figure has more muscular definition than the other female figures. At this point in the sculpt we still haven't decided which of Chastity's many outfits she will be "wearing". Currently she has a basic outfit design, which will be modified to be more stylish when the final decision is made. At this point in the sculpt her leg's and feet are not yet fully defined.
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Jade: Jade, who has appeared in various Chaos! titles including Purgatori's own series, is described by Chaos! as a "sultry blood sorceress".

In our opinion this figure will be the hottest figure in the whole assortment! In a series of cool figures this one stands out above the rest. Jade's face and body are 90% done. There are some details of her head (and head dress) which need to be tweaked . We are also working on two different hair styles at this time. Her unique look and Art Asylum's masterful execution of it will make her one of the hottest action figures of the year.

et_dragon_front.jpg - 8081 Bytes Dragon: One of Jade's mystical servants, the dragons body will be made of a special bendable material making this figure very poseable. This dragon will come specially packed with the Jade figure truly making her one groundbreaking action figure et_dragon_side.jpg - 9712 Bytes

The last figure in the initial assortment is the ultimate bad mamma jamma himself, and arch-enemy of Lady Death: Lucifer. Lucifer wasn't far enough along to show pictures of, but he looks to be a very cool, very scary looking figure, standing taller than the ...ahem...ladies in the assortment.

As soon as photography becomes available for Lucifer you can bet we'll have him right here at Raving Toy Maniac.

UPDATE: Check out RTM's Eternal Toys Chaos! Dark Alliance Preview Pt 2 for the latest on this hot line!

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