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March 8: Revell Make 'N Take Day


March 1, 2008 - Revell will hold the first national Make 'n Take Day on March 8, 2008, a promotion that will allow young or first time modelers to visit their local hobby shop to build a special edition SnapTite Camaro Concept car. The car is only available at these Make 'n Take events and is designed for easy assembly by the novice. Revell, along with their distributors, is providing the special edition SnapTite Camaro Concept car at cost to hobby shops interested in participating in the event. Hobby shops also receive a promotional banner and mini product catalogs.

"Revell, our distributors, and our dealers make no profit on this event," said Mike Brezette, marketing vice president. "We all believe it's very important to provide the kits at the lowest possible cost to give as many children as possible the opportunity to enjoy the model building experience."

For further information please visit: www.revell.com

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