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1:24 Infrared Remote Control Scopedog Turbo Custom


Yamato Introduces 1:24 Armored Trooper Votoms Infrared Remote Control Scopedog Turbo Custom

March 2008 - Yamato's Armored Trooper Votoms reaches an all new level of cool with its 1:24 Infrared Remote Control Scopedog Turbo Custom. Drawn from the Votoms OVA "The Last Red Shoulder," this Scopedog Turbo Custom is sculpted by Kenichi Nomoto for a stylish figure well worth displaying all on its own. But with infrared remote control in hand, this Scopedog comes alive like never before: roller dash forward / backward, turn left / right, and spin in place. Even engage in battle! The Scopedog's machine gun fires an infrared beam for full out battle play. Hit or get hit, the remote control vibrates with the sounds of impact and explosion. Check out these amazing features:

  • "One Stick" Easy Control: The included controller uses a single joystick for easy and flexible control with just one hand. Through infrared technology, you command the Scopedog to roller dash forward / backward, turn left / right, or spin in place.

  • Realistic Sound Effects: Bring the scene alive with realistic sound effects. The controller plays the sounds of roller dash, machine gun firing, and explosions. Or set the controller to its optional silent mode.

  • Infrared Battling System: Engage in battle with a Scopedog of another band width ("A" and "B" bandwidths available; sold separately) and unleash the infrared fury of the Scopedog's GAT-22 heavy machine gun. Hit or get hit three times, the Scopedog temporarily stops with an explosive sound.

  • Perfection Complete: Sculpted by Kenichi Nomoto, the Scopedog Turbo Custom makes a stylish figure all on its own. What's more, the Scopedog's head, arms and interchangeable parts can be positioned and displayed as you like. The Scopedog even comes with a scaled Chirico Cuvie figure sculpted by Tsuyoshi Watanabe.

Yamato's 1:24 Armored Trooper Votoms Infrared Remote Control Scopedog Turbo Custom is a mecha boy's dream! And Yamato USA is pleased to make it available in both "A" Bandwidth and "B" Bandwidth for direct retail through its Online Shop. Preorder now for just $145 (regularly $174) through March 31. For more information, visit us at www.YamatoToysUSA.com.


Yamato USA is the wholly owned subsidiary of Yamato Co., Ltd with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. For over six years, Yamato USA has proudly served the North and South American hobby/collector markets with a wide offering of miniature collectible figures, PVC and die-cast action figures, as well as poly-resin and PVC statues inspired by the hottest titles in Japanese anime, manga, and video game properties. Yamato's original lines of product include: Story! Image! Figure! collectible miniatures and trading figures; Story! Image! Figure! EX PVC statues; a tribute to the leading ladies of Capcom, the Capcom Girls Collection; and Yamato's newest line, Creators' Labo, highlighting the talents of the leading artists and sculptors working in Japan. Nor to be overlooked are Yamato's Scopedog and Garland engineering marvels from Armored Trooper Votoms and Megazone 23, some of the most impressive collectibles you will ever own!

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