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March 2008 Mattel Q&A

March 2008 - Every couple of weeks, Mattel will answer three questions per web site about their various product lines. Here are the answers for the past several rounds:

1. Are the Naruto and Avatar toylines dead? If not, when will we hear news on them?

Answer: We will have announcements and updates on these toy lines at the summer conventions.

2. Will the Imaginext DC figures be packed as "figures only" or will they only be packed with the vehicles and accessories?

Answer: They will be packs ins with vehicles.

3. Will the JLU 10" figures continue to be made?

Answer: Fans will find out the latest on JLU 10 inch figures at our summer conventions. Maybe some news to announce at NYCC in April...

4. Do the Movie Masters 6" The Dark Knight figures have any accessories?

Answer: Yes! Each figure will come with a piece of Gotham City evidence. More will be revealed at NY Comic Con in April.

5. Is the wave lineup of "hero, archenemy, 2 B-list heroes, 1 fan-favorite character" going to continue in the DCUC line for the rest of the year?

Answer: Not exactly to that equation every time, but we will have a good mix of A list, B list and fan requests in every wave.

6. Is DCUC wave 4 lineup already pinned down, just not revealed, or are they still ironing it out?

Answer: It is still being finalized. We hope it will be complete by NYCC so we can reveal the whole wave!

7. Will we see a Wonder Woman (or any females) in the DC Superfriends line?

Answer: It is likely we will do a Wonder Woman SF figure in the future but we have no immediate plans for her in the spring of 2008.

8. Any chance we'll see any Legion figures in JLU or DC Classics?

Answer: A very good chance!

9. Are Giganta, Chemo, and Starro too big for Collect & Connect figures? Also... If you guys did a Collect & Connect Starro, would you seriously think of little attaching mini Starros to put on the figures?

Answer: All of these figures are great suggestions for a C&C figure. Little Starros? Nice idea as well!

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