Dynamic Forces Skrull Invasion
Exclusive Marvel Alternate Cover of Secret Invasion #1 from Dynamic Forces
March 28, 2008, Runnemede, NJ - Dynamic Forces today presents their exclusive alternate cover for the upcoming Secret Invasion #1. The alternate cover features all new artwork by artist, Mel Rubi! Scheduled to be available in the newest issue of Previews Magazine (DCD: APR083817), Secret Invasion #1 DF Exclusive Alternate Cover is available for order now unsigned, signed by Mel Rubi or CGC graded! All editions are extremely limited and expected to sell out quickly.
You can see the MASSIVE 10 PAGE preview of Secret Invasion #1 on Entertainment weekly.com! Secret Invasion Is Here! Years in the making, months in the teasing... and it all starts here in this Double-Sized first issue, all wrapped up in a Dynamic Forces exclusive alternate cover!
The shape-shifting alien race known as the Skrulls has secretly infiltrated every super-powered organization on Earth with one goal... full-scale invasion! In this DOUBLE-SIZED first issue, page after page unveils reveal after reveal and shocking moment after shocking moment! Brian Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu leap off the pages of mega-hit New Avengers and deliver a story that will change the Marvel Universe forever. THE MARVEL UNIVERSE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!!
Comic fans old and new know Mel Rubi's art from the immense variety of titles and characters that he has drawn for the past two decades. Mel's countless credits include hit Marvel titles such as Uncanny X-Men, Excalibur and Wolverine, as well as Image titles Grifter, Stormwatch and Deathblow, and for Dark Horse, Star Wars: The Bounty Hunters - Scoundrel's Wages. Most recently, Mel completed the smash hit crossover series, Spider-Man / Red Sonja.
Dynamic Forces stated, "Mel's cover art for our exclusive alternate cover of Secret Invasion #1 is nothing short of Skrull-tastic and an incredible addition to our growing collection of successful DF exclusive alternate covers. We're expecting a sell out on this issue, including the limited edition signed version. Already fans are asking what the next big DF exclusive alternate cover is. Well, here's a hint... stay tuned! Same Skrull time! Same Skrull station."
Previous DF exclusive alternate covers include the Hulk #1 by Dale Keown, Captain America #34 by Alex Ross and The Amazing Spider-Man #549 by the legendary John Romita Sr. Very limited quantities of these exclusive alternate cover editions are still available.
Pre-orders are being taken now for these comics; the books are scheduled for a June release.
All signed and exclusive alternate cover editions are available exclusively from Dynamic Forces and are available for PRE-ORDER now from your local retailer. For more info, check out www.dynamicforces.com.
SECRET INVASION #1 DF EXCLUSIVE VARIANT COVER - BY DYNAMITE ARTIST MEL RUBI!! (DCD: APR083817) http://www.dynamicforces.com/htmlfiles/p-C109837.html
SECRET INVASION #1 DF EXCLUSIVE VARIANT COVER - SIGNED BY DYNAMITE ARTIST MEL RUBI! (APR08 3819) http://www.dynamicforces.com/htmlfiles/p-C109893.html
SECRET INVASION #1 DF EXCLUSIVE VARIANT COVER - CGC GRADED 9.6! (DCD: APR083818) http://www.dynamicforces.com/htmlfiles/p-C109838.html
Each issue is hand numbered, features a DF Certificate of Authenticity and is sealed with a DF Holo-Foil Sticker!