DC Direct Arrivals Update

June 3, 2008 - Can't remember which DC Direct products are due in at comic book stores soon? Here's the schedule for the next couple of weeks. These release dates are subject to change, sometimes the items are released later than originally planned, and sometimes earlier.
This schedule covers the current week, the next two weeks, and any items where a date change is already known: this update covers dates up to June 25.
Please scroll past this first updates section to see a longer schedule. Do not be alarmed if an item is on the second list but not on this top list - items will be moved to the top section as their scheduled dates get closer.
June 11: June 18: June 25:
The items listed above were included in this week's update from DC Direct (again, it covers a three-week range). Listed below are the original dates from the original solicitations/ announcements.
July 2: July 9: July 16: July 23: July 30: August 6, 2008: August 13, 2008: August 20, 2008: August 27, 2008: September 3, 2008: September 10, 2008: September 17, 2008: October 1, 2008: October 8, 2008: October 15, 2008: October 22, 2008: October 29, 2008: November 2008 (date to be announced): November 5, 2008: November 12, 2008: November 19, 2008: November 26, 2008: December 3, 2008: December 10, 2008: December 17, 2008: January 7, 2009: January 14, 2009: January 21, 2009: January 28, 2009: