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Clash of the Titans 3-Piece Bust Collection

Clash of the Titans 3-Piece Bust Collection

June 2008 - Gentle Giant is pleased to announce the upcoming release of a Clash of the Titans 3-Piece Bust Collection. This beautifully crafted 3-piece collection is a must have for any Clash of the Titans' collector! Each figure stands approximately 5 to 6 inches tall. This set is scheduled for release July 2008 with a limited edition size of 500 sets.

This set includes: Calibos, son of Thetis, the goddess of the Sea; turned by Zeus into a hideous monster. Medusa, the Gorgon whose mere stare would turn any living creature to stone. Kraken, the last of the Titans, is an ancient sea creature that pre-dates the gods. The exquisitely detailed collectibles are depicted on marble-like pillars. Each set will retail for $90. Stay tuned for upcoming pre-order details.

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