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Medicom Toy Announces More Kubrick Sets

Medicom Toy has announced more cool Kubricks scheduled for release in 2001, including a Bruce Lee set and third set based on the classic Mazinga Z property.

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The Bruce Lee set represents a bit of a departure for the line as the figures feature a detailed likeness of the martial arts superstar as opposed to the standard "painted-on" faces that are the standard. The set includes three figures based on specific Lee films, Enter the Dragon, Chinese Connection and Game of Death.

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The new Mazinga Z set, the third based on the classic super robot anime, features Koji Kabuto, Mazinga Z (w/Jet Scander & Iron Cutter fists) and Dabulas M2.

Both sets are scheduled for a March release in Japan. There is no word yet as to their U.S. release.

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