The Dark Knight: 1:6 Scale Bat-Pod by Hot Toys
 September 2008 - DC Direct - THE DARK KNIGHT: 1:6 SCALE BAT-POD BY HOT TOYS
Under special arrangement with Hong Kong toymaker Hot Toys, DC Direct is proud to offer this 1:6 scale replica of the Bat-Pod, just as it appears in the smash hit movie of the year, The Dark Knight!
This authentically detailed plastic collectible features light-up headlights, a machine gun, a grappling hook and a wheel with hub-mounted engines. Packaged in a 4-color box, the Bat-Pod measures approximately 25.5" long x 7" wide x 6.5" high.
The Dark Knight: 1:6 Scale Bat-Pod By Hot Toys is in perfect scale with the already solicited The Dark Knight: 1:6 Scale Batman By Hot Toys (sold separately)!
Limited Edition!
Advance-solicited; on sale February 25, 2009 Prop Replica $295 US