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Futurama, Halo 3, Voltron, GI Joe at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

September 25, 2008 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:

Hi - Here is a big update from http://www.bigbadtoystore.com about a variety of new arrivals and a ton of great new preorders from Hasbro and other companies. The Preorder list is extensive - many exciting new figures.


HALO 3 - SERIES 3 WITH BBTS EXCLUSIVE: Our first ever McFarlane exclusive has just arrived along with a big pile of the other seven Halo 3 figures. We've created a set of 8 figures that includes one of each of the 7 normal figurs from wave 3 along with our Violet CQB Spartan - this set is priced at $83.99. Cases of 12 are in stock at $114.99 and a variety of figures are in stock singly at $11.99.

VOLTRON BOX SET Toynami has released their new box set of Lion Force Voltron, and it looks great. The box is stylish and simple, and the set itself includes all five lions, along with the Blazing Sword for when the team forms Voltron. The whole set is priced at only $49.99 - take a look here

GI JOE 25TH ANNIVERSARY We've received a restock on Wave 9 Revision one as well as received stock of several mixed wave cases. A variety of single figures have also been restocked - take a look at the full selection of single figures on the link below. Wave 10 arrives very soon so be sure to get your preorders in now - they will all fill very shortly.

STAR WARS BUILD-A-DROID WAVE 3 The third wave is now in stock at $52.99 for the full set of 6. This set includes all the pieces needed for a new droid as well as some cool troop builder figures.

STAR WARS 3D CROSS-SECTION X-WING In stock now at $50 under MSRP - Kotobukiya's cool new 3D model kit is very nicely crafted and should provide plenty of enjoyment when assembling.

MGS RAH RAIDEN, OLIVE DRAB SOLID SNAKE We've received a shipment of Real Action Heroes, all from the Metal Gear Solid line. Raiden is dressed in his futuristic stealth suit with helmet, and Solid Snake's new olive drab look is just one of the many camouflage looks he takes on in the games. Each of these great new figures is priced at only $159.99 - a savings of $15 off MSRP.

LEGENDARY BUSTS - STEALTH ARMOR IRON MAN, APOCALYPSE Each of these new Legendary Scale busts is about 1:2 scale, and portrays the spirit of the character in a dramatic way. Stealth Armor Iron Man is 10" tall, based on the art from Iron Man #152, and features light-up eyes and UniBeam; Apocalypse measures 11" high and bears his traditional contemptuous scowl. Each of these busts is priced at only $189.99 - check them out here

SDCC 2008 ROBOT SANTA & SANTA BENDER BOX SET This exclusive two-pack from Toynami draws its inspiration from a couple of the best episodes of Futurama. Not only do we have Robot Santa in all his malicious glory, but Bender's also here, in his new paintjob and stolen hat from when he had to fill in for Robot Santa. Don't miss out on this exclusive version of Bender - pick up the two pack, at $69.99

ANIMATED TWILIGHT RINGWRAITH MAQUETTE Gentle Giant's latest release from Lord of the Rings is this Animated Maquette of the Twilight Ringwraith. Sculpted with flowing hair and robe, this evil creature is poised with dagger at the ready, awaiting his chance to take down the Ringbearer. This beautiful piece stands 11" tall, and is priced at only $69.99, a savings of $10 off MSRP - take a look here

LEGENDARY BUST - LEGOLAS This 13" Legendary Scale bust of Legolas Greenleaf shows the elven prince
drawing his daggers for battle. His costume is hand-sculpted and finished, complete with a quiver with arrows on his back. This great piece is going for $189.99.


GI JOE 25TH - WAVE 13 & REVISIONS Hasbro has just announced 4 more new case assortments, including Wave 13, and an Internet Exclusive Wave 13 assortment. New figures in wave 13 include: Duke Resolute, Cobra Commander Resolute, Cobra Trooper Resolute, Blowtorch, Firefly, Dreadnok Torch. We don't have any images of these new figures yet. Hasbro also Wave 12 Revision 1 and Wave 11 Revision 4 - check out the main Joe menu for all these new items and more

MCFARLANE HALO 2009 - DOZENS OF NEW FIGURES: McFarlane is increasing the scope of their Halo lineup for 2009. We not only are getting two more cool waves of 6" figures, but they have also added Helmet Replicas, 2.5" Heroic Collection 3-packs, Boxed Sets, and more 12" figures. The McFarlane Halo items have been hugely popular and very well done, so we can't wait to see images of all these new items once they have been released. The new product is spread over a variety of sub-menus here

GI JOE 25TH ANNIVERSARY VEHICLES WAVE 4 These GI Joe Vehicle sets are a great way to add to any collection, young or old. This wave includes the Firebat and Shark Tooth, alongside the Water Moccasin and the Ghost Hawk (formerly the Sky Hawk), and each has a driver figure to go with it. These vehicles are priced at $19.99-$21.99 individually, or you can pick up this set of four for only $64.99 - check them out here

MMA - MIXED MARTIAL ARTS - SERIES 2 The next round of MMA fighters is now up for preorder. The full set of 4 figures includes one each of Sean 'The Muscle Shark' Sherk, Rich 'Ace' Franklin, Wanderlei 'The Axe Murderer' Silva, and Anderson 'The Spider' Silva. This set is priced competitively at $59.99, and singles are all $16.99 each.

TF ANIMATED DELUXE WAVE 5 This wave includes holdover Bumblebee (who may be a repaint - there are definite differences in the new pic versus the old one), and adds the new Blazing version of Lockdown, Elite Guard member Blurr and Decepticon Swindle. We've got singles listed at $12.99-$13.99, or you can pick up the set of four for only $47.99.

TF ANIMATED VOYAGER WAVE 5 - SHOCKWAVE & SKYWARP This wave of Voyagers includes the duplicitous infiltrator and quad-changer Shockwave and Skywarp, one of Starscream's clones. We've got these guys listed singly, or you can pick up the pair as a set for only $47.99 or a case composed of two of each bot for only $89.99. Check out the listings for this new wave here

HOT TOYS - MICHAEL JACKSON Hot Toys brings us a realistic 1/6 scale version of Michael Jackson from the Billy Jean days with black sequined jacket, several sets of hands and various other accessories. Also up for preorder is a box of Michael Jackson Cosbaby figures that follow Michael through a variety of outfits and appearances through his career.

UNIVERSE VOYAGER WAVE 4 In Wave four we've got a new Universe recolor of Vector Prime, and a new version of what appears to be Inferno. Vector Prime's spacecraft-like design is augmented by a sharp metallic gray and gold color scheme, with bright blue accents. Inferno makes a good-sized fire engine, and his weapon does double duty as a water cannon in vehicle mode.

UNIVERSE DELUXE WAVE 4 The latest assortment in the used-to-be-Classics line should be a fan-pleaser, with something for everyone. Starscream (formerly of the now-dead Classics line) makes his first appearance here, along with a new version of Maximal Cheetor from Beast Wars, and Cyclonus (with Targetmaster helper) and Hound (oddly paired with Ravage) from the G1 cartoon. Pick up the singles for only $12.99 each or save a little money and get the set of four for only $47.99 - check them out here

GI JOE COMIC TWO-PACKS WAVE 7 We've listed pre-orders for Hasbro's newest announced wave of GI Joe comic two-packs. The new case includes holdovers Snake Eyes & Hard Master and Mainframe & Beachhead, and adds new sets Rock n Roll & Deep Six, Iron Grenadier & Viper, and Gung Ho & Cobra Commander. We've got the case of eight, which has one of each old set and two of each new set, listed at only $77.99, or you can opt for a set of the three new two-packs, priced at only $34.99 - Check them out!

MARVEL MIGHTY MUGGS WAVE 5 The new lineup of these figures includes a little bit of everything. From the current Secret Invasion crossover comes a Skrull, and he's joined by the Vision, Ultimate Captain America and Prototype Armor Iron Man. We've got the set listed at $44.99, and the singles each at $12.99 - check them out and pick your favorites!

GI JOE 25TH ANNIVERSARY 12" FIGURES WAVE 4 The newest wave of 12 inch GI Joe figures brings back the Cobra Trooper, Beachhead and Torpedo, and adds new figures Destro, Short Fuse and Shockblast. We've got the case of six listed at 89.99, or you can pick up the singles you like, only $19.99 each!

GI JOE COMBAT HEROES WAVE 2 This wave continues to bring the great characters from the GI Joe cartoon to life in the form of cute minifigures. This time, the lineup includes Snake Eyes with Timber, Duke, Bazooka and Roadblock for the Joes, and Cobra Commander, Firefly, Zartan and a Cobra Trooper for Cobra. The whole set of four two-packs is listed at only $26.99 - take a look

TF ANIMATED LEADER SHADOW BLADE MEGATRON This cool new repaint of the original Leader Class Earth Mode Megatron is decked out in purple and black, making it a perfect candidate for night ops. Still sporting his blades and cannon, this Megatron is not to be messed with. Check out this great new recolor here - only $47.99.

UNIVERSE ULTRA PREDACON BRUTICUS The next Ultra from the Transformers Universe line is Predacon Bruticus. A recolor of TF: Cybertron's Scourge, this three-headed dragon is done up in bright shades of crimson, gold, yellow and purple and branded on his forehead with the insect-like Predacon symbol. Don't miss out on this fierce new figure - he's listed at only $29.99, here

LITTLEST PET SHOP COLLECTIBLE PETS Hasbro has announced 2+ more waves of their new Collectible Pets line. Wave A2 contains new packs like Great Dane & Ostrich, Monkey with Banana Boat and Beaver with Hollow Tree, while waves B1 and B2 bring new faces like a Duck & Boxer set, Bat, Lion, Snail & Whale and more! Take a look at these assortments here - only $29.99 for cases of six, or $5.99-$6.99 each for singles!

LITTLEST PET SHOP POSTCARD PETS This newest line in the Littlest Pet Shop family not only comes with a pet and it's accessories, but also a special postcard scene with your new pet and the real animal it is based on! The first assortment includes Giraffe, Tiger, Zebra, Panda and Iguana, and they're listed at $6.99-$10.99 each or a case of 8 at only $53.99 - take a peek at the animals and their accessories here

TF ANIMATED ENTERTAINMENT PACK - JETFIRE & JETSTORM This new box set from the hit "Transformers: Animated" cartoon includes two previously unseen bots - jet brothers Jetstorm and Jetfire. These bots each transform into a jet, and both can combine in either robot or vehicle mode for more fun! Check it out - only $23.99

TF ANIMATED ACTIVATORS WAVE 5 This new wave may stretch the idea of "all-new", but the great character assortment makes up for it. This wave includes Earth Mode Megatron, Grimlock, Cliffjumper, Dirge and Bandit Lockdown, and the set of five is available for only $44.99 - take a peek!

STAR WARS COMIC TWO PACKS WAVE 5, 6 Not to be outdone by GI Joe, Star Wars is also getting some new comic two-packs. Our new set of five, which combines two-packs from waves 5 and 6, includes Clone Emperor & Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight, Commander Faie & Quinlan Vos in Jedi Robes, Borsk Fey'lya & Wedge Antilles, Luke & Stealth Armor Deena and Ki-Adi-Mundi & Sharad Hett. This set is listed at only $74.99, or we've also got the wave 6 case listed, which includes all of the above plus 3 previous two packs, and it's priced at $94.99 - check them out here

STAR WARS CLONE WARS ANIMATED FIGURES WAVE 4 Wave 4 of figures from the new animated Clone Wars series is listed now. New figures in the wave include Padme in white battle outfit, orange Clone Trooper, Space Clone Trooper, Magna Guard Droid and R3-S6 ('Goldie'), and the set of 5 is listed at $54.99, while the case of 12 (including 2 of each new clone trooper, one each of the others and 5 other figures from wave 3) is only $95.99. Also listed are singles of each of the two new Clone Troopers, at $13.99 each. Take a look at them here

STAR WARS CLONE WARS TITANIUM WAVE 5 Wave 5 is up for pre-order, and this assortment includes ships like the Emperor's Hand Lambda Class Shuttle, the V-19 Torrent Starfighter, a Republic Interceptor Tank and more. We've got the set of 6 listed at $44.99, the case of 12 at $79.99, and singles of each ship listed at $7.99 ($9.99 for the BSG Mark II Viper, listed under the BSG Titanium menu). Take a look at the listings here

STAR WARS CLONE WARS GALACTIC HEROES WAVES 4, 5 Also up for pre-order arre two new case assortments of Galactic Heroes figures. Wave 4 has an assortment of packs from Episodes I-III plus some from the new Clone Wars Animated feature, while wave 5 includes new sets Spider Droid & Clone Trooper, Mace Windu & Clone Troper, Padme & Jar Jar and Luminara & Super Battle Droid among a mixture of other sets. Each case is listed at only $74.99 - take a look at both assortments here

UNIVERSE LEGENDS WAVE 4 The new assortment of the Legends line includes Starscream from the Transformers: Animated cartoon, and he's teamed up with three of the original minibots in new upgraded bodies - Brawn, Bumblebee and Beachcomber. We've got the set of four listed at only $19.99, so check them out and pick yourself up a set!

UNIVERSE ROBOT HEROES WAVE 3 This wave of Robot Heroes fills in more of the gaps in both the G1 and Beast Wars collections, even going into Beast Machines to continue the story. This wave includes Perceptor vs. Insecticon Hardshell (who used to be known as Bombshell), Snarl vs. Sharkticon, and Cheetor vs. Tankor. These three two-packs are listed as a set - only $19.99. Take a look!


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