October 2008 - Every couple of weeks, Mattel will answer five questions per web site about their various product lines. Here are the answers for the past few questions:
1. Is there a fixed Sinestro on the way? (And if so, how will he be corrected?)
Answer: Despite our best efforts, Sinestro was one of those figures that fell victim to tooling/molding shrinkage. He was not meant at all to be a bit small (as he turned out to be) but unfortunately this is just one of the many production issues facing today's manufacturing process.
We don't currently have a new Sinestro in the works, but we will add him back into the general pool list (perhaps in an upcoming 2 pack or box set) for the future.
2. Will the DC (Super-Heroes/DCUC) brown Man-Bat ever happen?
Answer: As announced at our Fan Panel at NY CC and SDCC, brown ManBat will be out in late 2009. Normally we will not be reissuing a CC exclusive in the mainline, but due to the extreme demand for a new version of Dr. Langstrom we went a broke our own rule!
3. DC Imaginext line - Any chance of seeing other DC Heroes (so far only Batman Robin (without a cape) and Superman), Hall of Justice playset, or Superman ship/playset?
Answer: New villains like Joker, Penguin and Mr. Freeze are on their way! A Hall of Justice playset will depend on how sales of the Batcave do. If there is enough support it is clearly a something we'd want to look into.
4. Can Mattel rerelease the JLU 10" line on Mattycollector.com?
Answer: We are looking into ways of bringing the 10" JLU line back but have no plans to offer this on MattyCollector.com at this time.
5. Is Mattel aware that Target is "green-tagging" DCUC returns? As in, once they are marked with a green tag, they can not be resold.
Answer: We are aware of this, but toy fans should know that once a product leaves Mattel's distribution center, it is in the hands of our retail partners. How they treat returns is entirely up to them. We don't set rules and regulations. If you are unhappy with how a retail store is handling returns, please let them know!