Now You Can Own Your Own Jurassic Park Dinosaur
Looking for the ideal gift for your favorite dinosaur enthusiast? Dinosaur Productions will soon be exclusively offering life-sized, hand-painted casts of the dinosaurs from Universal Pictures' and Amblin Entertainment's 1993 blockbuster, Jurassic Park, as well as its 1997 sequel The Lost World: Jurassic Park. A portion of all proceeds from the sales of these dinosaurs will be donated to the Jurassic Foundation, a non-profit established by Universal Studios, Amblin Entertainment, and Dinosaur Productions to encourage and support dinosaur research around the world.Available: 11 a.m. Wednesday, December 20th Maxilla & Mandible 451 Columbus Avenue New York, NY Ranging from the little Compsognathus ($2,300) to the 12-foot Velociraptor ($35,000) to the 45-foot long T. rex ($350,000) and many more, each of these authentic limited edition models is offered for sale to serious collectors and museums. All are hand-painted and can be custom-designed for an additional $70,000 to respond to push-button commands that include opening mouths, turning heads, and slashing arms. The scientifically authentic models were crafted from the original molds created by the Academy Award�-winning Stan Winston Studio for the two Steven Spielberg-directed films. It took more than a year of searching various warehouses to locate and then rehabilitate all the original molds for use in casting each of the dinosaurs. These reproductions are really more works of art than scientific artifacts. According to Jurassic Park advisor ``Dino'' Don Lessem, ``These are the best dinosaurs humans have ever made. So they are the ultimate gift for the ultimate dinosaur.'' The first buyer of these dinosaurs, a prominent tech executive who prefers to remain anonymous, purchased five of them for his garden. The first museum buyer is the Arizona Science Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Dinosaur Productions, through its president and Jurassic Park dinosaur advisor ``Dino'' Don Lessem, is the exclusive licensee for these limited edition dinosaurs to museums and qualified individual buyers. [Posted 12/20/2000]