November 2008 - Every couple of weeks, Mattel will answer five questions per web site about their various product lines. Here are the answers for the past few questions:
1. Will the DC sculpts be used in your WWE line?
Answer: It is possible that WWE and DCUC will share some parts, but as the Horsemen will not be involved in the WWE line (at this time) it is hard to answer directly. WWE is still quite a while away with the first Mattel product scheduled for Jan. 2010.
2. Last year for San Diego Comic Con, Mattel released four incredibly cool and almost totally-new exclusives: Lobo, Giganta, Lightning Storm McQueen, and King Greyskull. Meanwhile, New York Comic Con attendees had to settle for three very dull repaints of old DC Superheroes figures. With New York Comic Con the second-biggest comic-con in America and *THE* biggest con for people not on the west coast, we'd like some love too. Will we be seeing any really cool exclusives for the DCUC, JLU, Cars, or MOTU Classics lines at NYCC 2009?
Answer: We do have an exciting new figure for NYCC - Faker - from Masters of the Universe Classics will be available first at NYCC. Details on this figure were revealed in late October on Keep checking back there often for new information and the latest sneak peaks.
Although we will not have a DCUC figure exclusive for the show, we are working on getting some hard to find figures to the show with details to follow.
3. Who is the main target market for DCUC? We were told explicitly it was an "adult collector line" (exact words) when it started, but recent Matty answers are telling us Mom and junior are the main target market. Which is it, and was there a reason the focus changed, if it did?
Answer: While the line is targeted at the adult collector, mom and kids still make up a large portion of sales so mixes will remain mom friendly with plenty of characters we would never do if it was not for the collectors (such as Artemis or Killer Moth).
4. Is the Target JLU line successful so far? Since this is supposed to be supported by collectors, has it met expectations enough to continue?
Answer: Yes, the JLU line is performing very well and has a strong future if support continues.
5. Will we see the quantities of DCUC waves 2 - 5 as we have of wave 1?
Answer: Not as many. Wave 1, as is typical for the first wave of any new toy line, was ordered in larger quantities by many of our key retail partners. We have spoken to all of them and explained the advantage of ordering less, but more often of any given mix of collector product to ensure fresh mixes are constantly coming to retail.