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RTM Exclusive Hippo Action Figure

The Shield of Draumm Action Figure

November 2008 - Have you been wanting a Seventh Kingdom Shield of Draumm action figure from the 2007 FANtastic Exclusive project by the Four Horsemen?

Well, now's your chance to get one, and without paying crazy eBay prices. We have worked our way through our pre-orders and our waiting list, and find that we have enough of these Hippo figures left to again open up the ordering process.

Order the Shield of Draumm

If you pre-ordered a Hippo from us and have not heard back from us, please email again. We have spent the past five months emailing small batches of pre-order folks (and waiting list folks) each week. Our email to you may have bounced or gotten caught in your spam filter. It's not that we don't love you, we did try to contact you!

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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