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World of Warcraft, Black Canary, The Spirit at YouBuyNow.com


December 14, 2008 - (Sponsor Announcement) - YouBuyNow.com News

YouBuyNow.com News

We are in full swing and shipping out product like crazy, we got some great new stuff in this week and have some really nice items available for Christmas as well. Looking for something cheap, checkout our newly updated Clearance section, it's packed with great bargains. There is still plenty of time to get what you want before Christmas so make sure you read the full update below.

New Arrivals at YouBuynow.com

  • World of Warcraft Series 3
    We received the 3rd series of World of Warcraft action figures last week and they are flying out the door. Most figures are now set to back order, but we are getting a large shipment of them this Wednesday so if you place a back order for them, it will ship out on Wednesday. We will also be getting the Tauren Hunter deluxe figure this week as well. You can check check thm out at World of Warcraft Action Figures.

  • DC Deluxe 1:6 Scale Black Canary Action Figure
    From DC Direct we have the 1:6 scale Black Canary deluxe figure. These figures continue to be hot items for us and DC has been doing a great job with them. You can check it out at Black Canary 1:6 Action Figure.

  • The Spirit 1:6 Scale Deluxe Figure
    From the upcoming Spirit movie, we have the new 1:6 scale deluxe figure from DC Direct. You can check it out at Black Canary 1:6 Action Figure.

  • Hellboy II Series 2 Action Figures
    From Mezco Toyz, we have the second series of Hellboy figures from the Hellboy II movie. We were also recently re-stocked on the first series if you missed out on any of them. You can check them out at Hellboy Action Figures.

  • Voltron Lion Force Gift Set
    This is awesome, it looks just like the gift set I got as a kid with all the Lion's and their swords. The only big difference between this one and the old one is it's mostly plastic instead of die-cast but those are the times we are in. You can check it out at Voltron Lion Force Gift Set.

  • JLU Superman, the Neverending Battle Audio CD
    We are now carrying the Graphic audio line of DC stories on CD, these are like books on tape but soooooo much better. They really do a great job with the production, it's like a movie in your mind. This would make an excellent Christmas gift. You can check it out at DC Comics Audio CD's.

  • Dr. Who, Bleach, WoW, Big Lebowski & Superhero T-Shirts
    We have gotten in a ton of new t-shirts in the last 2 weeks including 3 new Dr. Who shirts, some Bleach Anime shirts, a lot more World of Warcraft t-shirts and restock on the hoodies, Big Lebowski and we added to our ever-expanding line of superhero t-shirts. We also have a new line of fleece lined Marvel Hoodies, just in time for the cold weather. You can check them out at Superhero and Movie T-Shirts.

You can always check the "New Items" page on our site to see the most recent additions.

Great Christmas Items

  • Christmas Story Leg Lamps
    Always a popular seller, we have a wide variety of Christmas Story Leg Lamps including the ever popular night light, the desk and table lamp and the light strand. Check them out at Christmas Story Leg Lamps.

  • Other Christmas Story Items
    In addition to the ever popular leg lamps, we also have a wide selection of Christmas Story action figures, bobbleheads, bandages, soap on a rope and stockings. Check them out at Christmas Story.

  • Year Without a Santa Claus
    Heat Meiser and Cold Meiser are back! We have a great selection of Year Without a Santa Claus t-shirts, action figures and bobbleheads. Check them out at Year Without a Santa Claus.

  • Miscellaneous Christmas Items
    We have a selection of Miscellaneous Christmas items from previous years like Frosty, Grinch and Nightmare Before Christmas up in our Christmas section. Check them out at Christmas Items.

  • Minimates make Great Stocking Stuffers
    Looking for some great items to add to stockings this Christmas season? Minimates are a great option, they are inexpensive and small but are very cool. Check them out at Minimates.

You can always check the "Pre-Order" page on our site to see the most recent additions.

Other Stores

Check out all of our other stores at the addresses below:


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