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Lanard's Corps Goes Ultra!

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ultracorpsloose.jpg - 10011 BytesLanard Toys, makers of the 3 3/4" The Corps! action figure line (as well as Space Corps, and Rescue Corps sub-lines) has come out with a new line of 12" figures called The Ultra Corps!

Each fully-articulated figure comes complete with a cloth costume and a bevy of cool accessories. There are 6 figures in the assortment. Justin Case (shown here), Commando; Junkyard, Alpine Mission Specialist; Shark, Underwater Specialist; Flashfire, Surgical Combat Specialist; Avanlanche, Cold Area Operations, and Dragon Han, Close Range Combat Specialist.

The Ultra Corps! line has been spotted at Family Toy Warehouse thus far. It is likely they will show up at K-Mart and Toys R Us as well, given those retailers past support for The Corps! brand. The 12" figures retail for an amazing $7.99. BJ's Wholesale Club offers twin-packs for $14.99.

[Updated 11-26-99]

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