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25-cent Buck Rogers Comic Book

buck rogers comic book


February 2009 - Dynamite Entertainment announces that its upcoming Buck Rogers comic book series will blast off in May with issue #0, landing in readers' hands for the incredibly low cover price of .25¢. That's right - the 25th Century for just 25 cents!

"We're planning Buck's launch to be one of our biggest of 2009, one that will propel him into the comics future. We could think of no more appropriate way to welcome fans to this totally fresh take on one of comicdom's first heroes than to offer his first new comics adventure in years at this incredible introductory price."

"Dynamite's reinvention of Buck Rogers will follow the path Dynamite has blazed with its previous successful titles, and to ensure the comics audience can read the launch, we're releasing the comic at a .25¢ cover price. Dynamite is proud to be instrumental in re-inventing and continuing the legacies of historical characters and their worlds with creators who can execute great stories. We're equally proud of the consistent critical and fan responses to our efforts, and are confident that Scott Beatty and Carlos Rafael will deliver. We're confident that Buck Rogers will extend Dynamite's own tradition of creating and bringing together generations of fans in the most thrilling way possible, which is why we are launching it at an Introductory Priced. This will allow retailers to stock it, and fans to try it, and see the quality, inexpensively," stated Dynamite President Nick Barrucci.

According to Scott Beatty, "I can't begin to describe my excitement in working with Dynamite and the Dille Estate to chronicle the all-new adventures of science fiction's original spaceman, Buck Rogers. Buck is a sci-fi icon. We wouldn't have STAR TREK or STAR WARS or many of the familiar trappings of the genre without the trails blazed by Buck with his trusty ray-gun and jet-pack. And with that in mind, I'm humbled by the fact that I get to work with such an important and indelible literary creation."

Featuring stellar covers by John Cassaday on the series (and on the #0 issue) - and a special variant cover on issue #1 by Alex Ross - with story by Scott Beatty, and interior art by Carlos Rafael, Dynamite predicts Buck Rogers will be the smash hit sci-fi and adventure series of 2009 (and beyo-o-o-o-nd).

To find a comic shop near you, call 1-888-comicbook

For art and more information, please visit: www.dynamiteentertainment.com

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