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Rock Rocket: Online LEGO Power Miners Game

Blockdot Releases Game for Lego Power Miners

Dallas, TX, February 27, 2009 -- Dallas-based Blockdot has released "Rock Rocket," a new game for LEGO® Systems, one of the world's leading manufacturers of play materials for children.

The game, which was created to promote the new LEGO Power Miners product launch, lets players take control of one of three rock monsters as they travel through hidden caves below the surface of the Earth. Additional Rock Monsters can be unlocked by players who learn secret Power Miners codes.

To play, shake your mouse left and right to build the momentum of your Rock Monster... then launch. Watch as the Rock Monster hurdles through the air. Click your mouse to gain altitude - and grab crystals to pick up points. The longer and farther you fly, the better your score.

Rock Rocket can be played on the LEGO Power Miners site http://powerminers.lego.com or on Blockdot's gaming portal http://www.kewlbox.com/games/GameDetail.aspx?GameId=319.

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