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Sneak Peek At Upcoming JAKKS WWF Lines!

wm2k_mankind.jpg - 11047 Bytesbtc_taker.jpg - 10143 BytesJAKKS Pacific has given RTM this special first look at upcoming packaging for it's Titan Tron Live and Back Talkin' Crushers action figure lines.

Wrestlemania 2000 is the next big World Wrestling Federation event, and upcoming packing for WWF figures will reflect that (as the current packaging used the Summer Slam trade dress).

Back Talkin' Crushers is a new line, that's on it's way to stores now, featuring 7" WWF Superstars that say over 30 sounds and phrases when you bend the figure at it's neck, elbows or knees. These figures appear to have a lot of appeal and play value to keep wrestling fans plenty happy!

JAKKS has also let us know that future lines in the Titan Tron Live series will pay more attention to scale. So that means upcoming releases of characters such as Kane and The Big Show will stand taller than Stone Cold and X-Pac. Look for these changes to take efffect in 2000.

[Updated 11-27-99]

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