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FANtastic Exclusive Round 3 Voting

FANtastic Exclusive Round 3 Voting


March 2009 - The Semi-Final brackets for the Four Horsemens' "March Mauling" are now up and awaiting your vote at FANtastic Exclusive (http://www.FANtasticExclusive.com), and we're down to the "Fatal Four" as chosen by action figure fans worldwide.

The voting was fast and vicious this time around, lasting only a week, and the four victors mercilessly pummeled their competitors by a considerable amount. After more than 1,500 votes, the four characters chosen to compete in the next set of brackets are the Wolfbat, the Vampire Lady, the Raven and the Ministry of Hunters.

The Four Horsemen had this to say, "With some of the characters, the public already knew to which properties they belonged, but when it came to the new characters added this year, we purposely kept which properties they were from a secret just to see how action figure fans would vote simply based on the characters themselves."

"You can't imagine how astounded we are that all of the characters that made it into the "Fatal Four" are from our property, Gothitropolis. That kind of popularity seems to give legitimacy to the strength of Gothitropolis as a property."

If you haven't voted in FANtastic Exclusive yet, you've still got a chance to help to decide which two characters are going to survive and make it into the championship round beginning next Monday, and which two characters are going to be left broken and bloody on the Horsemens' studio floor.

FANtastic Exclusive. Pray that you make it out alive...

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