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Dawn 20th Anniversary Statue

The CS Moore Studio to Celebrate Dawn's 20th Anniversary with Stunning New Statue

May 2009 - Dawn Premier pinup artist Joseph Michael Linsner has granted The CS Moore Studio, Ltd. the license to create a statue commemorating the 20th anniversary of his beautiful goddess creation, Dawn. The 1/6 scale statue will be sculpted by master sculptor Clayburn Moore and will feature a seductive new costume specifically designed by Linsner for the anniversary.

Dawn has been captivating fans since her 1989 debut in Cry for Dawn. Since that time, the red-haired goddess with the trademark tears has been featured in miniseries, trade paperbacks, lithos, portfolios and more.

Linsner and Moore are known for creating women with an intoxicating combination of strength and sensuality that leaves fans wanting more. Their first collaboration, the Sinful Suzi Statue, thrilled collectors when it debuted in 2008. Fans are equally excited about the Dark Ivory Statue and the Sinful Suzi Variant Edition Statue, which will be in stores soon. Linsner and Moore's talents and styles will come together beautifully once again in the Dawn 20th Anniversary Statue.

"I love seeing my characters in 3-D, but no one breathes life into them like Clayburn," said Linsner. "His Sinful Suzi is my favorite sculpture based on my art. His Dark Ivory statue had me levitating with joy. Dawn marks collaboration number three, so I know it is going to be fantastic."

"When Joe approached me about sculpting the anniversary statue of Dawn, I was thrilled," said Moore. "We've wanted to work on a Dawn statue together for years and this is the perfect opportunity. This is one of the great women of graphic art by one of the finest artists in the field and I think together we'll produce a sculpture that will set a new standard in the medium."

The Dawn 20th Anniversary Statue is scheduled to ship in 2009. Additional details will be released at www.csmoorestudio.com as they become available.

The CS Moore Studio Ltd
The CS Moore Studio, Ltd was founded in 2005 by renowned sculptor Clayburn Moore. With over 15 years' experience in the collectibles business, Moore now directs The CS Moore Studio, which creates licensed statues, busts and more based on noted comic book and fantasy properties, as well as original creations. Visit www.csmoorestudio.com for more information.

Joseph Michael Linsner
Joseph Michael Linsner, one of the premiere pinup artists in the comic industry, has produced his self-created goddess story, Dawn, for the past 19 years. He has also illustrated covers for DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Top Cow Productions, Dark Horse Comics & Dynamic Forces, as well as many pinups, short stories & full-length features. For more about Dawn & the art of Joseph Michael Linsner, visit www.linsner.com.

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