Furby, the Hottest Toy in History, Gets Its First Friend
Vernon Hills, IL,-April 9, 2001--Hasbro's Tiger Electronics will make toy history once again with the introduction of Shelby, the talking, animatronic clam packed with tons of attitude. This clam character will get its very own Beach Party Blast in New York City at FAO Schwarz on Thursday, April 12th.
Furby® was the number one toy in 1999 as well as one of the most successful toys of all time, and Furby fans have been looking forward to Furby's new pal. Shelby has 70% more vocabulary and 50% more memory than Furby. It also speaks three times the phrases, has more sensory input and double the built-in features that can be unlocked through play. The smart-aleck clam with moving eyes, mouth, antennae and shell also has twice Furby's mechanical resolution and more than double the animatronic movement. Shelby speaks English, Furbish and its own special language, Shelbish. Not only does it come with a vocabulary of 275 words and over 1000 phrases, it can also communicate with other Shelbys, Furbys, Furby ® Babies, Gizmo and E.T.. Like Furby, Shelby responds to its surroundings through light, sound, and touch, and develops the more children play with it. Shelby lives in a shell, so it will clam up if it's scared or sleeping! It also plays games such as Ask Shelby and Hide and Seek, tells knock-knock jokes and even exercises. Approximate retail: $24.99 To date, over 40 million Furbys have been sold worldwide in 57 countries. Furby has been translated into 10 languages. "Millions were wowed by Furby. Furby instantly captured people's attention. Shelby has the same magic,'' said Roger Shiffman, CEO of Tiger Electronics. "Shelby will make a great Easter gift,'' added David Niggli, COO of FAO Schwarz.