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20 New Playmates Star Trek Images

June 2009 - Playmates Toys has sent out twenty new pictures of their Fall 2009 Star Trek movie toys and action figures, including the role play Utility Belt.

The new toys for Fall 2009 include:

3.75 figures
61793 - Kirk in Off Duty Uniform - B3
61764 - General Ayel - B14
61775 - Sulu in Space Uniform - B18
61770 - Kirk in Space Uniform - T1
61766 - Spock in Academy Instructor Uniform - B8
61776 - Drakoulias - B17
61762 - Sarek - B6
61767 - Keenser - B5 & B12
61756 - McCoy in Enterprise Uniform - B7
61765 - Kirk in Cadet Uniform - B16
61758 - Chekov in Enterprise Uniform - B15

All these figures will allow you to complete the bridge and transporter sets with the Spring figures.

6 inch figures
61612 - Spock in Academy Instructor Uniform
61622 - Hengrauggi
61620 - Drakoulias
61614 - Kirk in Space Uniform
61603 - McCoy in Enterprise Uniform
61604 - Chekov in Enterprise Uniform
61611 - Kirk in Cadet Uniform

12 inch figures
61957 - Nero
61955 - Scotty in Enterprise Uniform
61956 - Uhura in Enterprise Uniform
61962 - Kirk in Off Duty Uniform (awaiting confirmation)

61887 - Starfleet Utility Belt Roleplay

Utility Belt
Roleplay as a member of Starfleet Command with the interactive Star Trek Utility Belt, which includes a Starfleet phaser and communicator. (The phaser and communicator will be unique and will interactive with the Utility Belt by waving or motioning the communicator or phaser in front of the belt to get your commands or complete your mission...)

Simulate action on the Starship Enterprise and on new planets by receiving commands from Starfleet and role play as Kirk or Spock.

As you receive electronic voice commands from Starfleet you will need to use your communicator and phaser to complete the missions. There are 8 interactive missions with multiple endings for repeat play. There are also multiple challenges and obstacles with each mission. Do you have what it takes to be a member of Starfleet?

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys
12-inch Nero action figure

Fall 2009 Star Trek toys
12-inch Scotty action figure

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