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TOY2R: Wood Grain Style Qee Collection

Wood Grain Style Qee Collection

TOY2R: Wood Grain Style Qee Collection:

June 2009 - Creating art toys as decorative collectibles has been the direction of TOY2R for nearly 15 years. TOY2R is now proud to announce the release of the Wood Grain Style Qee Collection. A series of Qee collectibles designed using the natural beauty of wood. These limited edition collectibles capture the unique and individual characteristics of natural wood. Utilizing a special printing technique, each Qee has a unique and original design, just like real wood - where no two are alike.

The collection will be available in a range of sizes:

  • Our classic 2.5" Qee featuring the patented keychain attachment. Available in a blind box assortment made up of two different shades of design: Light wood and dark wood. The collection will include 6 classic Qee characters: Bear, Cat, Dog, Mon, Bunee and the Toyer.

  • 8" and 9" Qees will be available as limited edition series - great for display in the home, office or anywhere. Packaged in window boxes - each box will have eye catching designs - making them true treasures.

  • 16" Collection - perfect for home decor, these oversized pieces make quite a design statement. The 16" Qee Bear will be the first release followed by future characters.

Each of these collections are produced with the highest quality that TOY2R is famous for.

The Qee is conservation and preservation.


Wood Grain Style Qee Collection

Wood Grain Style Qee Collection

Wood Grain Style Qee Collection

Wood Grain Style Qee Collection

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