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Bandai Launches :05 Second Stadium Toy

September 2009 - Bandai has launched their ":05 Second Stadium" toy in the United States:

Betcha Can't Stop at 5!

We are excited to announce the official launch of :05 Second Stadium in the US! :05 Second Stadium just started hitting Wal-Mart store shelves in the last 2 weeks.

:05 Second Stadium™ toy looks like an ordinary stopwatch, but it's your inner sense of time that tells you when to stop it. Originating in Japan, this highly addictive keychain device has humorous and irreverent comments that egg you on depending on how you do. Betcha' can't stop at five!

In support of the product launch we have created an all new iPhone Application to help get the word out! This FREE app is available to download in the US, Canada and Mexico! Included in the app is an emailable/downloadale coupon for a $1 off the purchase of a :05 Second Stadium toy.

Check out our announcement on our blog: http://www.bandai.com/blog/news/05second-iphone-app

Plus Keep checking back to our website for more news and info: http://www.bandai.com/5secondstadium

~:05 Second Stadium Team~
Follow us on Twitter - www.twitter.com/BandaiAmerica

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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