"Make a MasterPOEce" Contest at PoeGhostal.com
 "Make a MasterPOEce" Contest at PoeGhostal.com
September 2009 - For untold eons, few (if any) have wondered what the mysterious scribe known as Poe Ghostal looks like. But now, thanks to PoeGhostal.com in conjunction with PassionDesignsInc.com, with the help of He-Man.org, not only will Poe's form be revealed, but you can win a MOTU-themed prize -- including a Masters of the Universe Classics Mer-Man, a 2002 He-Man figure signed by the Four Horsemen, and a custom figure based on your own design, created by Passion Designs customizer Thomas Pitts himself, whose works includes Zombie He-Man as featured in ToyFare magazine.
Here's what you need to do to enter: just make a piece of art showing what you think Poe Ghostal would look like as a MOTU character. You can use Poe's logo on his website or the winning bio from the recent "You Need a He-Ro" contest as inspiration, but you don't have to -- your only limit is your imagination!
It can be a sketch, a drawing, a computer-generated 3D model, a painting, a Photoshopped image--any format is acceptable, so long as it's an original piece and in the spirit of the Masters of the Universe Classics style.
You can submit your entry by emailing it to [email protected] or by posting it on the He-Man.org forums in this thread: http://www.he-man.org/forums/boards/showthread.php?t=176139
One grand prize winner will receive: - A MOTUC-style custom figure of Poe Ghostal based on the winner's design, created by Passion Designs himself!
- A 2002 He-Man figure, with the card signed by the Four Horsemen!
One runner-up will receive:- A Masters of the Universe Classics Mer-Man figure
The rules:- Entry period ends at noon Eastern time on Wednesday, September 30, 2009.
- The top three entries will be chosen by Poe Ghostal and Passion Designs, Inc. and then put to a reader vote on PoeGhostal.com for one week. In the event of a tie, the winner(s) will be chosen randomly.
- You may enter once per email address.
- Only residents of the United States and Canada are eligible.
- You must be over 18 to enter. (If you are younger, please ask a parent to enter for you.)