Enterbay Storm Warriors, Mark III Iron Man, DC Universe at Big Bad Toy Store
 September 16, 2009 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:
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ENTERBAY STORM WARRIORS FIGURES, ACCESSORY SET Just announced by Enterbay is a line of figures to go with the sequel to "Storm Riders", called "Storm Warriors". 12" Figures of Heart, Lord Godless, Striding Cloud and Whispering Wind are on the way, priced at $149.99 each. Also available is the Storm Warriors Sword and Blade Accessory Set, including 8 die-cast weapons for your 1/6 scale figures; this add-on set is listed at $59.99.
MOVIE MASTERPIECE 12" IRON MAN MARK III - BATTLE DAMAGED VERSION A new battle-damaged version of the Mark III Iron Man figure is also on the way. Priced at $199.99 (though the price may decrease if a domestic supply is located) this figure comes with special alternate battle-damaged chest plates and other added armament.
DC UNIVERSE TWO-PACKS 2009 CASE ASSORTMENT Mattel has announced a case assortment of DC Unvierse Classic two-packs. This assortment includes Hal Jordan & Abin Sur, Lex Luthor & Supergirl, Batman & Clayface and Cyborg Superman & Mongul. The case is listed at $109.99; singles of the two-packs are also available, priced at $24.99 - $37.99 each.
STAR WARS BATTLE PACKS 2010 WAVE 01 CASE, SINGLES This new case includes four (possibly new) Battle Packs - the Birth of Darth Vader, Tatooine Desert Ambush, Holocron and Jedi Showdown. We've got the case of 4 listed at $99.99, or you can opt to mix and match individual sets, priced at $29.99 each.
DC UNIVERSE CLASSICS WAVE 12 REVEALED Mattel has announced the figures for this upcoming wave, and we've got them all listed individually, in a set and in a case assortment. Figures in this wave include Mary Batson (in Red and White costumes), the Spectre (classic and modern versions), Desaad with Super Powers stand, Eclipso, Copperhead, Dr Mid-Nite and Iron, individually priced at $16.99 - $19.99. The set of 8 includes both versions of Mary Batson, along with one each of the other (regular) figures, and is listed at $114.99, with all of the parts to build the Collect-to-Connect Darkseid figure. The case assortment of 10 is also available (including all of the CnC pieces), priced at $139.99.
Don't forget wave 13 - no details yet.
IRON MAN ARC REACTOR PROP REPLICA This replica from the Iron Man movie is the electromagnet that Tony Stark used to stop the shrapnel from reaching his heart. Bearing a message from his faithful assistant Pepper Potts, this replica has high-intensity LED lights and other details and is priced at $124.99, $25 below MSRP.
MOVIE MASTERPIECE 12" JOHN CONNOR FINAL BATTLE VERSION This new version of the Hot Toys John Connor figure comes with a battle-damaged face sculpt as well as a special display base and a 1/6 scale Hydrobot to tussle with. The Final Battle John Connor figure is listed at $169.99, and comes decked out with accessories and clothing to make fans happy.
ENTERBAY DRAGONBALL EVOLUTION 12" FIGURES The second of two announcements from Enterbay this week offers three 12" figures from the "Dragonball Evolution" movie. Goku, Bulma and Lord Piccolo are each available, listed at $149.99 with a release date of sometime next month.
DC UNIVERSE INFINITE HEROES 2009 ASSORTMENT A - WAVE 1 CASE & SET, WAVE 3 SET We've listed a new case assortment and two new sets of Infinite Heroes figures. Assortment A Wave 1 includes Flash II, Psycho Pirate, Red Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Blue Beetle, Bizarro and Mary Marvel, and you can pick up the set of 7 for $59.99, or a case of 12 (including duplicates) for $84.99. The Wave 3 set of 6 includes Firestorm, Earth-2 Robin, Joker, Two-Face, Black Canary and Green Lantern Hal Jordan, and is listed at $44.99.
DC UNIVERSE INFINITE HEROES 2009 WAVE 1 THREE-PACK SET We've also got a new three-pack set listed. This set includes the Harbinger set with 2 Shadow Demons, the Hal Jordan, Star Sapphire and Black Hand set, and the Animal Man, Starfire and Adam Strange set; this trio of sets is listed at $49.99, and each set is also available individually at $17.99.
STAR WARS VEHICLE FIGURE PACKS 2010 SERIES 1 CASE, SINGLES The first assortment of Vehicle Figure packs for 2010 includes returning favorite Obi-Wan with Freeco Bike, and new entries Anakin with Desert Sport Skiff, Barc Speeder with Commander Cody and Clone Scout with AT-RT. Pick up your favorites of the new singles at $19.99 each, or get the case for $69.99, a savings of almost $10 over the individual prices.
1/12 SCALE 1966 BATCYCLE Mattel is releasing a more-affordable version of the Elite 1;12 scale 1966 Batcycle. This version is priced at $49.99, and should be a really nice display version of a classic TV collectible.
WOLVERINE MOVIE JACKET & DOG TAG SET From the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie comes this set of Wolverine's leather jacket and dog tags. We've got the set listed in sizes M, L, XL and 2XL, and it is priced at $309.99, a savings of $40 off the MSRP.
MOVIE MECHA #05 - AIRWOLF 1/48 SCALE HELICOPTER, EXTRA PARTS VERSION Aoshima has announced a new release of the Airwolf 1/48 Scale helicopter. We're not sure if this is a re-release of the previous version or a new one, but they've also announced a version with extra parts as well. Priced at $54.99 and $59.99 respectively, these pieces are expected to arrive next month.
NADIA: SECRET OF THE BLUE WATER 1/500 SCALE NAUTILUS - 2 VERSIONS Two new 1/500 scale versions of the Nautilus from Nadia: Secret of the Blue Water are also on the way from Aoshima. You can choose from the Kaijo Image Color Version or the Sensui Image Color Version, each priced at $194.99
TAMASHII EXCLUSIVE DX CHOGOKIN AQUARION GOLD VERSION The new Tamashii exclusive version of the Aquarion set will be a new gold version. All three ships look great n the shiny gold, and we've got a small quantity the set coming, listed at $424.99.
'THERE WILL BE NO BARGAIN' LUKE VS. THE RANCOR DIORAMA This new diorama from Sideshow shows one of the most exciting scenes from "Return of the Jedi." It shows the Rancor in battle with Luke, with Luke wielding a giant bone against the fearsome monster. Priced at $219.99 ($10 below MSRP), this 13" tall piece would be a great addition to any Star Wars collection.
BARACK OBAMA 8" FIGURE The latest figure of our new President is this 8" figure by Heroes In Action. Dressed in a suit with a red tie, this articulated figure is listed at $19.99, and should arrive later this month.
NEW MASTERPIECE ACCESSORIES - BLUE ROLLAR, BLACK ROLLAR, BLACK MP-02 GUN We've listed three new accessories for TF Masterpiece figures. Rollar is being released in both blue and black colors to fit your version of Prime, priced at $16.99 each. Also being released is a black version of the MP-02 add-on gun, perfect to go with the new MP-01B and listed at $8.99.
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HENKEI CLASSICS STRAFE EXCLUSIVE This hot new Transformer is only available through a credit card from Japan, but we have managed to get a hold of a supply for our customers. This figure is the Cyclonus redone in Technobot Strafe's colors, and is priced at $109.99.
STAR WARS CLONE WARS ANIMATED WAVE 9 & 10 - CASES, SETS, SINGLES Two waves of Clone Wars Animated have arrived at our warehouse. Wave 9 includes figures like Clone Echo, a Super Battle Droid Sergeant and Obi-Wan Kenobi in Space Suit; Wave 10 offers Clone Denal, Count Dooku and Anakin Skywalker in Space Suit. We have cases of each wave available for $99.99 each; also available are sets of 4 new figures from each of the two waves, and they're listed at $59.99. Finally, most of the figures are also available, priced from $9.99 to $14.99 each.
STAR WARS - BUILD-A-DROID WAVE 9 Another hot case of Star Wars has just arrived - cases and singles available here
SOUL OF CHOGOKIN PX-04 HOVERPILDER Kouji Kabuto's Hover Pilder from Mazinger Z is being re-released in Bandai's Soul of Chogokin line. Priced at $59.99, this piece would be a treasured part of any mech anime collection.
TF ROTF ROBOT HEROES SCENE PACKS SERIES 2 SET The second wave of Robot Heroes Scene Packs is now in stock. This pair includes Desert Devastation and Shanghai Shootout with oversized figures like Demolishor and Devastator and is priced at $47.99.
NHL SPORTSPICKS SERIES 22 (2009 SERIES 2) - CASE, SINGLES Our shipment of NHL Sportspicks Wave 22 is in stock now and ready to go. This wave incldues Alexander Ovechkin 3, Martin brodeur 3, Mats Sundin 2 and more, and each is available individually at $11.99. We also have the case of 8 listed at $79.99, containing at least one of each figure in the wave, and each case contains a chase or super-chase figure.
DCU UNIVERSE CLASSICS SERIES 8 VIGILANTE We've recently receivecd a small shipment of DC Universe Classics Wave 8 Vigilante. Listed at $13.99, this figure comes with a piece of the Giganta Collect-to-Connect figure, as well as weaponry.
OCTUPTARRA DROID This new Star Wars exclusive is one large toy. Used by the Separatists against the Republic, this droid vehicle con hold figures as well, and is priced at $58.99.
GI JOE RISE OF COBRA SINGLES We've also restocked our GI Joe: Rise of Cobra single figures. From Duke to the Baroness, Storm Shadow to Ripcord and more, we've got plenty of stock. Mix and match your favorites - there's something for everyone.
GI JOE RISE OF COBRA BRAVO VEHICLES WAVE 2 The latest assortment of Bravo vehicles from the movie has been received at our warehouse. Wave 2 revision 1 includes the Dragonfly helicopter and the Ice Dagger snow vehicle; the Dragonfly is priced at $39.99 and the Ice Dagger is listed at $29.99. You can also choose to pick up the case, containing one each of the two vehicles, which is priced at $55.99 and will save you almost $14.00.
MARVEL SUPERHERO SQUAD 2009 SERIES 4 SET, SINGLES The new Superhero squad cases have arrived, and we've got the set of four new two-packs (Hulk & Nova, Iron Man & Spider-Woman, Wolverine & Silver Samurai and Spider-Man & Vulture) priced at $29.99. We've also got a few singles of each left, priced at $8.99 each.
NEW DC LEAD FIGURE & MAGAZINE SETS Just a quick note to mention that a number of the Eaglemoss DC Lead Figure & Magazine sets are now in stock. We've got Starfire, Blue Beetls, Booster gold and more, priced at $13.99 and ready to join your collection.