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Dec 12: DIY Qee Show

DIY qee show

November 2009 - Toy2R is proud to announce the upcoming DIY Qee show being held at Genuine Artikle (www.genuineartikle.com) in NY on December 12th.

Representing lowbrow street based artists, Genuine Artikle Gallery and Art Toy Boutique features paintings, urban vinyl, blind box, DIY & designer toys, handmade apparel and accessories. In-house printing of their limited edition clothing and exclusive collaborations with showcased artists are two of the many ways GA represents the best of the true underground art scene by showing what's really happening under the radar.

Qee 2Life exhibit will feature 50+ customs from the following artists:

Julie West, Keith Poon, Nemo, Bishop 203, Rudy Fig, Betso, F+, JJ Rudsill, Phoneticontrol, Phu, Pocket Wookie, Tony Depew, Reactor 88, Soopajdelux, Travis Cain, Jay222, Nerviswr3k, Kat Brunnegraff, Niark1, Nasty Neil, Desn, Malasada Martin, Task One, Sinned NYB, Bryan Collins, Jeremy Regan, Dli$h, Perry J Osman, Eric Ziobrowski, Ian Ziobrowski, Zam, Nolan Treadway, Nate Voss, Jeff Bockoven, Adam Niesen, Jack Irons, Zac Barton and more.

Exhibit opens December 12th from 8pm - 11pm. Featuring DJ Six-3-One and sponsored by Toy2R USA and The APEX Trading Company.

Genuine Artikle
527 Hawkins Ave
Ronkonkoma NY 11779
[email protected]


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