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2010 K'NEXpert Classroom Challenge

Construction Toy Company Invites Students, Teachers to Play for Prizes

K'NEXpert Classroom Challenge Aims to Generate Excitement, Enthusiasm for Learning

Hatfield, PA December 3, 2009 -- K'NEX Brands, one of the world's leading construction toy manufacturers, is now accepting registrations for the 2010 K'NEXpert Classroom Challenge. The K'NEXpert Classroom Challenge offers elementary school students the chance to compete against classrooms across the country by building ultra-creative, unique models made entirely from K'NEX parts.

The K'NEXpert Classroom Challenge invites teachers to engage in exciting hands-on activities that support learning in first through sixth grades, while helping their students build manipulative skills, challenging them to apply science, math and technology knowledge and skills, and encouraging them to apply organized, logical strategy as they design, build and problem-solve.

Teachers and their classes will compete against classrooms at the same grade level, building a model based on a specific, age-appropriate building challenge: Grades 1-2, Transportation Nation; Grades 3-4, Bridge Building 101; Grades 5-6, Amusement Park Thrill Rides.

After building the model, students write a 1-page description of their creation and submit photos to the K'NEX judging panel. One winner will be chosen for each grade level, with winning classrooms receiving several prizes including a $350 K'NEX Education gift certificate and a free K'NEX building set for every child in the class. Teachers may register their classrooms by visiting http://www.knex.com/challenge before December 18, 2009.

About K'NEX Brands
Founded in 1992, K'NEX Brands was established to make and sell what has become one of the world's leading integrated construction systems for children. Winner of over 200 international awards and recognitions, K'NEX seeks to build young minds with its exciting product line and critically acclaimed K'NEX Education program. For more information, please visit www.knex.com.

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