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Changes Made to Drusilla Resin

Drusilla Resin Statue

October 9, 2001 - Moore Creations, Inc. and Twentieth Century Fox recently made paint changes to the Drusilla Resin. Formerly green, Drusilla's outfit is now dual shades of burgundy. The color change more accurately represents the character as she appears on the television series she is based, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Due out this December, Drusilla is Moore's very first mini resin statue based on the likeness of a character from the acclaimed television series.

Standing approximately six inches tall, Drusilla's distinct pose reflects her eccentric character as a rambling, psychotic vampire. Her bizarre prophetic visions and conversational tea parties with her blindfolded dolls made her one of Buffy's most intriguing and popular villians. Come this winter, fans will have the opportunity to display their favorite, blood-sucking temptress in life-like form.

Twentieth Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising, along with Twentieth
Century Fox Home Entertainment, comprise the retail-oriented strategic
alliance of Fox Consumer Products. A recognized industry leader, Twentieth
Century Fox Licensing and Merchandising licenses and markets properties
worldwide on behalf of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, Twentieth
Television and Fox Broadcasting Company, as well as third party lines.

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