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Diamond Select: Iron Man 2 Minimates

Iron Man 2 Minimates
Iron Man 2 Minimates - The Reveal!

January 2010 - Fans all over the world are gearing up for Marvel Studios' next sure-fire blockbuster Iron Man 2 and at Diamond Select Toys we are excited to reveal details surrounding our previously Top Secret Iron Man 2 Minimates! Due in stores this March, two new assortments of Minimates are sure to thrill fans of all ages!

While one particular high-flying armor-clad character will remain hidden until the March release date, we can now reveal the full contents of our upcoming Marvel Minimates Series 35 Assortment and Iron Man 2 Single Pack Minimates Display. Rounding out the cast of Series 35 is the high-tech army builder paired with Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan - Hammer Industries' Hammer Drone! Glimpsed only briefly in the Iron Man 2 trailer, not much is known about the Hammer Drones - except that Iron Man and War Machine will apparently square off against an entire squad of them at some point during the film.

Iron Man 2 Minimates

The biggest reveal comes in the form of our Iron Man 2 Single Pack Minimates Display, a special set of individually boxed Iron Man 2 Minimates limited to only 500 cases. This set was under complete lockdown, however now we can reveal the full contents!

Each display will include 12 individually packaged Iron Man 2 Minimates, including:

Air Assault Drone
Ground Assault Drone
Sea Assault Drone
Tactical Assault Drone

Plus limited short-packs found in every case featuring:
Battle Damaged Hammer Drone
Justin Hammer

Styled after the four branches of the US Military, exact how these high-powered armors will come to exist and what their creation means for Iron Man remains to be seen - but we can't wait to find out! Retailers can still order this limited set as part of their January 2010 Previews orders, so if you want these Iron Man 2 exclusives to become a part of your collection make sure you let them know before it's too late!

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