Lord of the Rings Intelli-Blox
Lord of the Rings building block toys from Playmates Toys are now hitting stores! Their online product list of their LOTR Intelli-Blox includes the following six items:
These Intelli-Blox sets are a cross between the Simpsons action figures and LEGO® building blocks. There will be several sets which you can build using the blocks, and there will be 41 small figures that go with the sets. Each small articulated figure is mounted on a block so that it can be snapped into the sets. The block attached to each figure has a chip in it, so that the set knows which figure is placed where and which sound clip to play: this also allows two or more figures to "interact" with each other.
Sets Reported From 2001 Toy Fair (may differ from product actually released):
Intelli-Blox Sampler Sets are smaller sets, each coming with 80-85 building blocks and 2 small figures. The Samplers will sell for $9.99-$11.99 USD:
- Weathertop - comes with Aragorn and a Ringwraith
- Trollshaw Forest Clearing - comes with Sam and Frodo
- Buckleberry Ferry - comes with Pippin and a Ringwraith on a horse
- Orc Attack at Amon Hen - comes with Lurtz and Boromir
Intelli-Blox Basic Block Sets are slightly larger sets, each coming with 180-185 building blocks and 2-3 small figures. The Basic Sets will sell for $19.99-$21.99 USD:
- Uruk-Hai Breeding Chamber - comes with Orc Blacksmith and two Uruk-Hai
- Bag End - comes with Bilbo, Gandalf, and Merry
- Prancing Pony - comes with Frodo, Aragorn, and Ringwraith on horse
The Intelli-Blox Basic Block Bucket come with 250 building blocks and seven (7) small figures. The Bucket will sell for $24.99-$29.99 USD:
- Bilbo Baggins' Birthday Party
- Pine Forest
- Fireworks Cart
- the seven figures are: Bilbo, Gandalf, Frodo, Arwen & Frodo on horse, Gandalf's horse, Pippin, and Merry.
Intelli-Blox Basic Electronic Sets are larger sets, each coming with 350 building blocks and 5-6 small figures. The Basic Electronic Sets will sell for $39.99-$44.99 USD:
- Rivendell - comes with Elrond, Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Arwen
- Fortress of Isengard - comes with Gandalf, Saruman, Orc Overseer, 2 Uruk-Hai, and Eagle
The Intelli-Blox Deluxe Electronic Set are the biggest set, coming with 420 building blocks and six (6) small figures. The Deluxe Electronic Set will sell for $49.99-$54.99 USD:
- Mines of Moria - comes with Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, and Moria Orc.