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Deck The Halls With Classic Monsters

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Sideshow Toy, makers of the ultra-cool Universal Monsters and Bruce Lee action figures and Little Big Heads line of collectible figures, is offering a special, extremely limited holiday themed gift pack of Universal Monster Little Big Heads. This set, limited to 500 pieces and only available when you order $50 or more (not including Shipping & Handling) from the Sideshow Toy Online Store.

The Holiday Gift Set features Frankenstein's Monster, The Mummy, The Wolfman and Dracula redecoed in their finest festive holiday regalia. This set is only available while supplies last, and those supplies are limited so head on over to the Sideshow Toy website now! While you're there make sure you check out the wide array of cool products available from Sideshow Toy!

[Updated 12-01-99]

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In Association with Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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