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5" Mini Qee PumpkieQ DIY from Toy2R

pumpkieq qee figure

August 2010 - Toy2R is pleased to announce the addition of the new 5" Mini Qee DIY line to the Qee Universe of figures. This new articulated line will feature classic Qee characters like the Bear, Toyer and Mon but debuts in 2010 with the newest character, PumpkieQ. This DIY version is the same platform that will see the launch of Jon-Paul Kaiser's Samurai Pumpkin later next month.

Collectors can now take a stab at customizing using this new platform, engineered with removable head and arms, making those tricky customs easier to complete. The new Mini Qee follows the success of the 3.5" Baby Qee line which now features 15 different Qee characters.

Available for wholesale pre-order from Apex Trading Company (sales@apex-z.com) - the 5" Mini Qee PumkieQ makes for a perfect stocking stuffer! Look for this and many other new items coming from Toy2R!

The Qeevolution rolls on...

pumpkieq qee figure

pumpkieq qee figure

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