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Silver Black Edition 10" Toyer Enemy

toyer enemy figure

10" Toyer Enemy - Special Silver Black Edition Figure

August 2010 - Looking like a classic sci-fi robotic giant from outer space, Toyer Enemy has a single mission - to destroy! Beware of this monolith as nothing in its way is safe!

Toy2R is pleased to release this very special edition of the Frank Kozik designed Toyer Enemy figure. Standing over 10" tall with 7 points of articulation, this Silver Black version is limited to only 48 pcs worldwide. A massive piece worthy of any collection, its look is truly inspired by Toy2R's Toyer, a 15 year old mascot being reborn to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of Toy2R.

For wholesale information, contact [email protected], but act quickly as these won't be around for long.

Capture the Toyer Enemy if you can. If not... hide... for who can save us from the wrath of the Toyer Enemy......?

toyer enemy figure

toyer enemy figure

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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