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Hasbro's Marvel Q&A December 2010

December 2010 - Each month, Hasbro will answer three questions about their Marvel products.

1) Can you shed some light on what process is used to determine character selection for a particular wave? Are these influenced by current events in the comics or by the latest animated series?

Answer: First, the team comes up with a list of all the characters we want to do for a full year. We give heavy consideration to current storylines, collector/fan wishlists, and then we throw in a few of our personal faves. Next, we lock ourselves in a room and fight it out. That may sound brutal, but debating character selection is one of our favorite parts of the job!

2) When will we first see any figures from a comic-based Thor line? Cap has comic figures next year, so Thor obviously has some too. When will they first be shown? And why was more Cap product shown at NYCC than Thor merchandise?

Answer: The Thor movie product line will hit store shelves in March 2011. There is proportionally more movie related figures than comic inspired figures in the Thor line than the Captain America line, which is why more Captain America product was shown at NYCC.

3) Do you have any Mighty Muggs news for us? In a previous Q&A, it was stated that the next wave of Mighty Muggs should be expected this year, and then when a follow-up question was asked, the answer was that you hoped to "have some news" for us about Marvel Mighty Muggs "later this year."

Answer: We do have some future plans for Muggs, but nothing we're ready to announce right at the moment. This year's exclusives (Comic Con and otherwise) have performed extremely well, so it's clear that Marvel fans still want their Mighty Muggs!

Be sure to check out the previous Q&As as well.

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