Transformers, Star Wars, Chris Taylor, Tetsuo, Bowen, MOTU Classics at Big Bad Toy Store
 January 20, 2011 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
------------ NEW ARRIVALS ------------
TRANSFORMERS DELUXE 2011 SERIES 02 - SET, SINGLES This new wave includes the yellow and black recolor of Classics Bumblebee, plus the new versions of G2 Optimus Prime, Perceptor and Wreck-Gar. The set of four is priced at $49.99, or you can pick them up singly, with Bumblebee at $11.99, Prime at $12.99, and Preceptor and Wreck-gar at $17.99 each.
TRANSFORMERS GENERATIONS 2011 SERIES 02 - CASE, SET, SINGLES The second series of Generations figures for 2011 has also arrived at our warehouse. This assortment includes Sergeat Kup, Scourge, WFC Cliffjumper and Thunderwing, and we have them as a set of four at $49.99, with singles of WFC Cliffjumper at $11.99 and Thunderwing at $14.99 (Sgt. Kup and Scourge are on backorder, at $15.99 each). We also have a case of Series 02 Revision 02, which includes one each of the previous four plus one each of WFC Megatron, WFC Soundwave, Blurr and Skullgrin, and is priced at $99.99.
CLASSIC PREDATOR SKULL REPLICA This new piece is a hot item for Predator collectors and fans. It measures 17" high (with stand) by 14" wide by 9" deep and is made from the original on-screen prop. We have it priced at $334.99, saving you $15 off of the MSRP for the piece.
TETSUO PROJECT BM 40 ACTION DOLL Project BM! is a collaboration between Medicom and Bandai, combining great licenses and styling with well-articulated bodies and quality. Tetsuo looks like he's stepped straight out of the "Akira" screen, complete with robotic arm and draping cloth cape. This figure is listed at $189.99, $10 off the MSRP.
MOVIE MASTERPIECE 1/6 SCALE CHRIS TAYLOR ACTION FIGURE The movie "Platoon" has been a vehicle for a number of great stars, and Charlie Sheen is no exception. This figure of his character Chris Taylor has a Charlie Sheen head sculpt, as well as uniform pieces, weapons, alternate hands and hair, accessories and more, and is priced at $144.99, $5 off the MSRP.
DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS SERIES 01 - SET, SINGLES This long-awaited assortment has finally arrived. it includes a Genlock, Morrigan, Duncan and Loghain, and we have them listed as a set of four for $64.99, $11 off the MSRP. We also have them listed singly, at $17.99 per figure, so you can grab your favorites.
PEACE WALKER PLAY ARTS KAI - SNAKE JUNGLE VERSION The latest figure from Square Enix' Play Arts Kai line of figures is the Jungle Version of Snake from MGS Peace Walker. He is dressed in a green and gray outfit and carries an assault rifle. We have this figure listed at $44.99.
DISTRICT 9 MINIATURE WEAPON REPLICAS We have received a small shipment of WETA's District 9 replicas. The Arc Generator Miniature Replica is limited to 750 pieces, is 9.8" long and made of metal, comes with a display stand and is listed at $98.99. The Assault Rifle Miniature Replica is also limited to 750 pieces, is 10.2" long and cast of white metal, and also comes with a display stand, and is listed at $98.99 as well.
TRANSFORMERS VOYAGER 2011 DEEP DIVE Our recent shipment included some cases of Voyager 2011 Series 02 (with more, as well as 2011 Series 01 still on the way), and although the initial cases and singles of Lugnut and Solar Storm Grapple are already gone, we've got a number of Deep Dive still in stock. This figure is a green and black recolor of Seaspray, and is listed at $29.99.
STAR WARS VINTAGE 2010 SERIES 06 SINGLES We have received a number of cases of this wave, but we're now down to singles until more arrives. In the meanwhile, we've got stock of figures like Darth Vader, general Grievous, Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Sandtrooper, priced at $9.99 each.
STAR WARS VINTAGE 2011 SERIES 01 SINGLES Like the previous case, we received a portion of our shipment of these, and we're down to a few singles. We have Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Luke Skywalker and Yoda available as singles currently, priced at $9.99 each.
MS. MARVEL PREMIUM FORMAT FIGURE Carol Danvers' heroic alter ego has received its own 19" Premium Format figure. This piece shows her standing atop and Avengers 'A' base, and is listed at $259.99.
MAGNETO LEGENDARY SCALE BUST This sculpt of the X-Men's greatest enemy-turned-ally measures 17" wide by 13" tall, and shows Magneto in his helmet and chainmail costume. It looks regal in its red and purple color scheme, and is listed at $189.99, saving you $10 off the MSRP.
------------- NEW PREORDERS -------------
NEW BOWEN EXCLUSIVE STATUES We've just been given the go-ahead to start listing Bowen Designs' website exclusive statues, and we're happy to let you know about the first four. We have the Armored Sandman 15" statue at $224.99, the Iron Man Hydro Armor 14" statue at $259.99, the X-23 12" statue at $229.99 and the Street Version of Sabretooth 12.5" statue at $249.99. Don't miss out on your chance to own these great exclusive statues.
FUNKO POP STAR WARS BOBBLEHEADS Funko has announced a new addition to their POP! line. The POP! Star Wars line is comprised of 3.75" bobbleheads on bases, and we have listings up now for Darth Vader, Yoda, Chewbacca, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Greedo and a Stormtrooper, and each is priced at $8.99.
DISGUISE COSTUMES - THOR, CAPTAIN AMERICA, TF3 We've listed a number of new costumes from upcoming movies, courtesy of Disguise. We've got costumes and accessories from "Thor", "Captain America" and "Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon", with Megatron, Prime and more. Check out all of the new pre-orders and pick your favorites.
MOTU CLASSICS - VIKOR, ETERNIAN PALACE GUARDS, THE GODDESS REISSUE We have a number of figures up for pre-order for the benefit of our international and other customers. Both Vikor and the Goddess Reissue are listed at $34.99, with the Eternian Palace Guard Two-Pack priced at $59.99.
SOUTH PARK CLASSICS SERIES 02 - SET, SINGLES A second wave of South Park Classics has been announced by Mezco. This assortment includes Stan with his dog and evil goldfish, Kyle with Ike, and A.W.E.S.O.M.-O with shopping bags. Each figure is listed singly at $12.99, or you can pick them up as a set of three for $32.99, saving $6 off the MSRP.
LEGO MINIFIGURES SERIES 03, 04 Two new waves of domestic Lego Minifigures have been listed. Series 03 includes figures like Mummy Baseball Player and Samurai Warrior and is available as random singles at $3.99 each, as a display of 60 for $199.99 and as a Master Case of 120 at $379.99. We have also listed Series 04, including such figures as Kimono Girl, the Werewolf and a Mad Scientist/Professor, and they are available as a Display of 60 for $199.99.
NEW DOCTOR WHO CLOCKS, WATCH AND MORE Three new Doctor Who items are up for pre-order. The first is an old-time style metal alarm clock with the image of the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond floating through space, and it is listed at $19.99. The second is an Eleventh Doctor Projection Wrist Watch, with an image of the Doctor on the face and the ability to project another through the side of the watch; this piece is priced at $15.99. Finally there is a new Dalek Wall Clock with images of the new Blue, Yellow and White Daleks from the Dalek Paradigm, and it is listed at $27.99. In additon to these, the Dalek Talking Topper Alarm Clock is being restocked, with an arrival date of April and a price of $26.99. Also being restocked is the TARDIS Floating Pen, with a tiny TARDIS inside the liquid; this is priced at $10.99. Finally a new blue version of the Dalek Moulded Money Bank is up for pre-order, and it is listed at $26.99.
VENTURE BROTHERS FIGURES SERIES 05 SET OF 2 The latest wave of Bif Bang Pow's Venture Brothers 8" figures includes magical family friend Dr. Orpheus and Phantom Limb, a recurring villain. We have them listed as a set, priced at $37.99 for the two figures.
TWILIGHT ZONE FIGURES SERIES 05 SET OF 2 This new wave includes the diner-running Venusian and the tiny robotic Invader. Like the previous sets, these are priced at $37.99 for the pair.
LOST FIGURES Two new waves of 8" Mego-esque Lost figures are up for pre-order. Series 05 includes Jack and Sayid, while Series 06 includes Miles and Claire; each pair is listed at $37.99.
GENTLE GIANT AVATAR MINI BUSTS The busts of Neytiri and Tsu'Tey have been resolicited, and are now scheduled to arrive in April. These busts have an MSRP of $75, but we have them listed at $66.99 each, saving you $8 per bust.
COURTROOM PETER VENKMAN We also have a number of the new Courtroom Peter Venkman up for pre-order. This figure comes with a ghostly Nunzio Scoleri, and is listed at $34.99.
IGEAR BEE - SINGLES, SET We have just listed the new Bee figures from iGear. Bee 01 is a familiar yellow, while Bee 02 is a more angry red; we have each listed singly at $17.99, or as a set for $34.99. They are legends class sized, with 7.5 cm tall robot modes.
DARTH VADER MCQUARRIE CONCEPT BRONZE BUST Gentle Giant has announced a new 8" bronze bust of everyone's favorite Dark Lord of the Sith. This version is done from the concept art of Ralph McQuarrie, and is limited to just 100 pieces worldwide. Each piece is individually numbered, and the item is listed at $1349.99, saving you $150 off the MSRP for the piece.
1:2 SCALE TWO-FACE BUST This bust has been resolicited, and is now set to arrive in March. This realistic sculpt is wearing a dual-style suit made of real fabric and stands about 13" tall by 11" wide, and we have it listed at $244.99, saving you $50 off the MSRP.
ST:TOS COMMUNICATOR & PHASER TWO-PACK Diamond has announced a re-issue of this two pack of Original Series accessories. The phaser has a blue body and a detachable Type-1 phaser, while the Communicator has an auto-distress call, and the set is priced at $49.99, $10 off the MSRP.
BTTF - FLUX CAPACITOR UNLIMITED EDITION, MARTY'S HAT Diamond Select is also reissuing two replicas from the "Back to the Future" movies. Marty's shiny color-changing hat is back, priced at $22.99, and the Unlimited edition of the Flux Capacitor (Plutonium not included) is priced at $249.99, saving you $25 off the MSRP.
DISNEY SHOWCASE - DANCING, LAUGHING, BANKS Enesco's Disney Showcase line has three new entries. Dancing with the Mouse is a take-off of Dancing with the Stars, and has Mickey and Minnie doing six different dances in six different outfit pairs, from the Tango and the Paso Doble to the Jitterbug and Disco, with each pair listed at $37.99. The new Laughing series shows a variety of stars in a laughing pose, with Mickey, Goofy, Stitch and more, and they are listed at $ 17.99 each. Finally, four new banks have been listed, with Mickey, Tinkerbell, Pooh and Uncle Scrooge each listed at $34.99.
1/6 SCALE STEVE MCQUEEN How2Works' Figure Mind series continues with this new 1/6 scale version of Steve McQueen. The 1/6 scale import figure comes dressed in a suit with a tan trenchcoat, and is listed at $199.99.
REVOLTECH EVOLUTION EVA-02 The latest Revoltech Evangelion figure is the Evolution version of the red EVA-02. This figure comes with a number of detachable clear and colored add-on accessory pieces, and is priced at $49.99.
1/6 SCALE WWII U.S. M3A1 SCOUT CAR This huge 1/6 scale replica vehicle is made of metal with wood and rubber, like the real thing, and includes a number of accessories like a pickaxe, shovel, Jerry can and axe, with openable doors and windows. It is priced at $689.99, and should arrive next month.
QUEENS BLADE REVOLTECH FRAULEIN - ALLEYNE, YMIR 2P COLOR VERSIONS Two new 2-Player colored versions of Queens Blade Revoltech Fraulein figures are up for pre-order. Alleyne is dressed in a red outfit, while Ymir is in pink and white, and each figure is available at $44.99.