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OAFE Valerobot Contest: Enter by April 27


April 2011 - OAFEnet is having a giveaway, and it's easy to enter! Your interest will also go to help some worthy charities.

PFC Rupert Valero is a soldier serving the in Army, and he's also a toy fan. In his down time, he makes custom toys - both as gifts for the local children, and as large pieces perfect for collectors. Every one of his toys is made from items found on his military base in Afghanistan, giving them a backstory that can't be matched by something made in a factory and sold in your local big box store.

Since Valero was kind enough to send us some of his creations, we've decided to share that kindness with others. You can enter to win a "Valerobot" of your own, made on the ground in Afghanistan. All it takes is a $5 donation to one of three military charities: the USO, which entertains the troops in the field; the Yellow Ribbon Fund, which helps wounded service members staying at Walter Reed Medical Center; and the Wounded Warrior Project, which raises awareness of the issues injured service members face when they return home.

Full details on how to enter can be found at http://www.oafe.net/blog/?p=2611 Entries must be received by Wednesday, April 27, so the sooner you act, the better.

We all say we want to support our troops, and we want to do something for people in need - this is your chance to step up and do just that, and maybe bring home a cool one-of-a-kind designer toy for your trouble.

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