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2011 NYCC Exclusive Outer Space Men on Store Horsemen

outer space men action figures


November 2011 - The Outer Space Men have once again invaded Four Horsemen Toy Design Studios, and they�re available for purchase at Store Horsemen (http://www.StoreHorsemen.com) right now!

A special thanks goes out to our friends at Toy Tokyo and Action Figure Xpress for carrying the Beta Phase versions of Outer Space Men waves 3 & 4 at the 2011 New York Comic Con again this year!

But for you Outer Space Men fans who couldn't make it to the New York Comic Con, you know we wouldn't leave you hanging! The OSM Beta Phase waves 3 & 4 are up for sale in extremely limited quantities!

Mystron, Commander Comet, Electron+ and Alpha 7 in their exclusive special edition Beta Phase colors are priced at $50.00 (plus shipping & handling) for the set of all four figures. These little guys all come with their own character specific accessories and snap on helmets!

There is no limit to the number of sets you're allowed to purchase per order, and this will be your last chance to get your hands on the Beta Phase versions of these guys. So be sure to get them now before they leave the planet forever!

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