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"Santa Cause" Toy Drive

NEW YORK, Nov. 15 -- Celebrities Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Mark Messier and Brian Leetch have joined a group of New Yorkers in a toy drive to raise gifts for children who lost a parent in the September 11th attacks. The group, organized by New York City night life entrepreneur, Johnny "B" Barounis, has partnered with the Tomorrow's Children Fund.

Tomorrow's Children is an organization that supports children affected by cancer. The gifts will be raised through both corporate donations as well as individual donations. Events are planned as far away as Detroit where 16 year National Hockey League veteran Joe Kocur, is heading a group of Detroit Red Wing stars that will raise gifts through a variety of functions. The New York Rangers have also signed on to do a toy drive in New York. Anheuser Busch of New York has already started their drive for "Santa Cause."

There are approximately 8000 children that lost at least one parent on September 11th. The objective of the group is to get every child that suffered the loss of a parent at least one gift for the holidays. Surviving spouses/guardians will be able to register eligible children on the organizations web site at http://www.santacauseproject.com.

"An important part of our mission is to get a gift into the hands of every child who suffered a loss regardless of their geographical location or the occupation of the deceased family member," says Barounis. "It is paramount that we be universally inclusive."

Gift donations can be sent to PO Box 584 NY, NY 10113 ATTN John Barounis.

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