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November 2011 Hasbro Star Wars Q&A

November 2011 - Every couple of weeks, Hasbro will answer two questions per web site about their Star Wars products. Here are the questions and answers for the latest round:

1) Can you discuss the difficulties that have occurred in bringing Ziro the Hutt to the marketplace? We were told at first that Ziro was coming as a mailaway, but for some reason was bumped in favor of Sgt. Bric. Then we heard he might be coming as a store exclusive, but that never panned out. Many fans wanted to vote for Ziro in the current Fan's Choice poll, but were disappointed when told that oversized figures such as Ziro were not eligible to be nominated. Since a Clone Wars style Hutt mold already exists (Jabba), couldn't that mold be used with redeco and minor tweaks to create Ziro as a store or Celebration exclusive? Are there factors delaying the release of this crucial and popular character that we are not aware of?

Answer: Since Ziro is an oversized figure he does not fit on a single card, but he could be an option as an exclusive in the future.

2) With the release of the rescaled Logray this year, we now have all of the Vintage Ewoks in the proper scale except for Lumat (who hasn't been released at all in the modern line) and Teebo (who was released in the Power of the Jedi series and is now very out-of-scale). Are these Ewoks in your plans to complete the Vintage Ewoks set in the near future?

Answer: This is a great request - both of these Ewoks are in our line of sight to be updated.

Be sure to check out the previous Q&As as well.

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