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Marvel Select Avengers Movie Hulk & Hawkeye

hulk and hawkeye action figures

November 2011 - The Avengers Movie's Hawkeye and Hulk Have Been Selected... as the Next Two Marvel Select Figures!

Since the reveal of movie Spider-Man at New York Comic-Con, Marvel Select fans have been anxiously waiting to hear which Marvel luminaries would be the next to bow in the 7-inch scale action figure line from Diamond Select Toys. Although they aren't yet allowed to show them in their entirety, DST is proud to announce that the next two figures will be Hawkeye and Hulk, from Joss Whedon's upcoming "Avengers" movie! Sculpted by Gentle Giant Studios, the figures feature the likenesses of Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye and Mark Ruffalo in his computer-generated Hulk persona. Each figure will have 16 points of articulation, and while Hawkeye comes with a bow, arrows and a detailed display base, the Hulk stands a full 8 inches tall, taking up every inch of his packaging all by himself! Stay tuned, and we'll reveal the full figures as soon as our SHIELD clearance comes through!

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hulk and hawkeye action figures

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