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Create A Diorama Contest At Flatt World

fw_drac_dior.jpg - 9488 BytesIt's time to stretch your creative muscles! Flatt World Figures is holding a Bela Lugosi as Dracula Diorama Contest at the Flatt World Figures website.

What you need to do is create a diorama using your Flatt World Bela Lugosi. It can be anything you want. Funny. Frightening. Frivolous. Let your imagination run wild, and then send your pictures into Flatt World.

The creator of the best diorama will win a free Phantom figure, signed by Charlee Flatt! Second and Third Place Winners will each win a pewter Lugosi nameplate. The top 10 dioramas will be showcased on the Flatt World website.

Of course you'll need a Bela Lugosi as Dracula figure to enter your diorama. Don't have one yet? That's easy to fix! You can order your very own from Flatt World's site!

For all the details on the contest, including deadlines, refer to the Flatt World website.[Updated 12-07-99]

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