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Starbucks Holiday Angels Toy Drive

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16 -- Share the spirit of giving this holiday season by contributing to Starbucks Holiday Angels Toy Drive. Starting today through December 17, customers can donate gifts for seriously ill children served by the Starlight Children's Foundation at Starbucks retail locations across the United States and Canada.

"This year -- more than ever before -- it's important to share the spirit of the holiday season with the less fortunate," said Heather Stuart, regional marketing specialist for Starbucks Coffee Company. "This program will bring toys to thousands of kids who will unfortunately be spending time in the hospital this season."

"This program is so exciting for Starlight," says Jenny Isaacson, Director of Communications for Starlight Children's Foundation. "By teaming up with Starbucks, we will be able to reach out to thousands more children this holiday season. Every donated toy will bring a smile to the face of a sick child."

During the holidays, special gift tags will be displayed at Starbucks retail locations across North America. The gift tags are printed with appropriate gift suggestions. Customers can purchase gifts and then return them unwrapped to Starbucks for distribution to children in local communities. These include not only toys for individual children, but also videos and video game cartridges for use in Starlight Fun Centers in hospitals throughout the country, as well as other game/craft items used by hospitals for recreational purposes.

Gifts donated by Starbucks customers will be delivered to local Starlight Children's Foundation locations for distribution to local hospitals, or delivered directly to local hospitals that are a part of Starlight's network of medical facilities.

This is the second year of the national Holiday Angels Toy Drive. Last year, the program collected more than 87,000 gifts for children in need. This year's goal is to raise at least 100,000 toys to distribute to Starlight kids across North America.

Starlight Children's Foundation is an international non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for seriously ill children and their families. Working with more than 650 hospitals worldwide, the Foundation provides an impressive menu of both in-hospital and outpatient programs and services. A leader in delivering distractive entertainment therapies, over 85,000 children benefit from Starlight's programs each month.

Starbucks Coffee Company is the leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee in the world. In addition to its retail locations in North America, the United Kingdom, continental Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim, Starbucks sells coffee and tea products through its specialty operations, including its online store at Starbucks.com. Additionally, Starbucks produces and sells bottled Frappuccino(R) coffee drink and a line of super premium ice creams through its joint venture partnerships. The Company's other brands enhance the Starbucks Experience through best-of-class products: Tazo Tea Company offers a line of innovative premium teas, and Hear Music produces and distributes a line of exceptional compact discs.

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