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Four Horsemen: Toypocalypse 2: Futuretro

January 3, 2011 - The Four Horsemen are proud to announce their upcoming gallery show TOYPOCALYPSE 2: FUTURETRO!

Their second annual show at the TT Underground showroom in New York City will feature many all-new, never before seen items and even some fan favorites and toy industry classics from the Four Horsemen's past, present and future! Get an up close and personal look at action figure work that's seldom (if ever) been seen outside the Four Horsemen's own studio.

Toypocalypse 2: Futuretro will begin with a special opening night for friends and fans at TT Underground Friday night - February 10th 2012, and will run through most of the following week. Specific dates and times to be announced soon.

And if you're a fan of the Four Horsemen's licensed action figure line, The Outer Space Men, then you're NOT going to want to miss this show! There's going to be a specially featured Outer Space Men display that will most likely never be seen in this form again, as well as some special events surrounding the 40th anniversary of The Outer Space Men! Details on one of those events later today!

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