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Merry Marvel History Keeps Marching Forth

The remainder of the Previews exclusive Marvel History assortments should be arriving in comic stores this month. As of press time the schedule looks like:

  • Modern Age Assortment (Wolverine, Shang-Chi, Captain Britain, Black Bolt) - 12/8
  • Silver Age Assortment (Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy, Captain America, Grey Hulk) - 12/17
  • Ladies of MC2 Assortment (Wild Thing, American Dream, Stinger, Spider-Girl) - 12/23

RTM has received images of the final production figures of the Silver Age assortment from Diamond featuring representations of classic Marvel characters as they appeared at the dawn of the Marvel Universe back in the 1960's.

Marvel History: Silver Age Assortment

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We should have images of the final carded Ladies of MC2 Assortment soon, so be sure to check back at RTM News daily!

[Updated 12-07-99]

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In Association with Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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