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Superman Flying High on Entertaindom

ent_main.jpg - 14623 BytesTime Warner Digital Media recently launched a new entertainment site, Entertaindom.

Entertaindom will offer a variety of online entertainment, news, information and services - all within a one-stop, personalized destination. Entertaindom will include entertainment news and information from Entertainment Weekly, CNN, Reuters, Variety and other sources, including music and TV stories, movie reviews, hit lists and critics' polls. It will also feature online services, shopping opportunities and community functions such as e-mail, chat and entertainment home pages powered by AcmeCity, the joint venture between Warner Bros. Online and FortuneCity.com . An October survey from research firm CyberDialogue indicates that 73 percent of new Internet users go online looking for entertainment. Entertaindom will help fill that need.

Short-form entertainment rules at Entertaindom, which includes three types of new Web programming: 1) new franchises born on the Web that have the opportunity to cross over to other media such as ``The God and Devil Show'' or the cult character ``Dr. Science,'' following the studio model for discovering up-and-coming talent; 2) powerful brand extensions with new ``webisodic'' material developed for perennial favorites such as DC Comics' 3-D ``Superman'' adventures and Warner Bros. classic animation's ``Marvin the Martian''; and 3) re-purposed programming of previously existing material, such as full-length classic Looney Tunes cartoons which will be presented as an exclusive online feature at Entertaindom.

``With Entertaindom, we are taking full advantage of what digital technology has to offer to create and enhance consumer experiences that are uniquely suited to the Internet. Entertaindom features short programs which are as clever, creative and cutting-edge as many feature films and television shows,'' said Richard Bressler, Chairman and CEO of Time Warner Digital Media.

``We're giving birth of a whole new breed of entertainment,'' said Jim Banister, Executive Vice President of Warner Bros. Online and chief programmer of Entertaindom. ``We're creating a new form of online programming combining native-to-the-web technology with established brands and new franchises to enable the development of 'networked entertainment.' That's Entertaindom.''

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[Updated 12-10-99]

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