DC Direct has revealed their action figures and related items for July 2002 on their web site, well in advance of the usual release dates for print and online toy news sources. This is great news for DC fans: less waiting for the new announcements!
The new action figures to be released in stores on July 10, 2002, are:
- The Blue Beetle
- Phantom Lady
- The Question
- Uncle Sam
In addition, they list the first sets to be released of DC Comics Pocket Super Heroes as:
- Aquaman & Black Manta
- Golden Age Dr. Mid-Nite & Golden Age Atom
- Green Lantern Hal Jordan & Sinestro
- Golden Age Starman & The Shade
See pictures of these figures and learn more details about them on the official DC Direct site at: http://www.dccomics.com/ - choose "DC Direct" from the frame on the right side.
RTM will have pictures of these here in the news section after the official "embargo" date of December 18.